34: Welcome to the Show

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"Someone set those tent's on fire!" You growled as you slammed the note down on a table. Everyone inside the tent looked at you with concern as you paced around. "What are you talking about?" Nora asked as she slowly came to your side. "This couldn't have been a coincidence! Someone is out there trying to sabotage us." You hissed as you got out of Nora's embrace. "Y/N, calm down. We can't talk if you're heated." You sighed as everyone gathered around. Taking a few deep breaths you calmed yourself down.

"When I went to get the bandage's and medication the bins where empty. I rush outside, the bike's tires are slashed and this note falls from the sky. Either this is related or someone is... Fucking with us." You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair. "Who would want to do this to us though?" Blake asked as she crossed her arm's. "...It wouldn't be a surprise if it was self sabotage... The citizens from Atlas have been getting restless." Yang shrugged as she sat down. "The citizens from Atlas can be a bit much, but I doubt they would light a tent on fire just to get...what they want..." Wiess furrowed her eyebrows as she slowed down.

"They would do that and more." Winter shook her head and sighed. "It would take forever to investigate and interrogate everyone. There's enough tension as it is already, we would just make it worse by coming out with an investigation." You nodded at Jaunes comment. The room grew silent as everyone thought up possibilities. Tyrian cleared his throat, the sound of his tail shifting caught everyone's attention. "I might know a person or two who... Like to cause trouble located inside the city..." You raised an eyebrow at his comment, your mind drifting off to the twin's. "Are you talking about the twins?" You questioned as he nodded. "Who are the twins?" Emerald asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"They're some equally, if not more, mentally deranged people I grew up with. The fact that they showed up here specifically, after having no contact with them for years set off some alarms." Tyrian explained as he stood up, looking for something in a drawer. "Great even more psychopaths to deal with." Emerald rolled her eyes making you glare at her. "Em..." You warned and she sighed. "Yeah, yeah, he's on our side, not that bad. Still doesn't change what he's done." "Same goes for you..." Yang butted in. "Let's not get into it. We have a lead, let's stick to it." Ruby placed a hand on her sisters shoulder as she walked forward. Tyrian had finished setting up a map of Vacuo, circling a small area with a red marker.

"This was were we grew up in, all three of us know the shortcuts and routes like the back of our hands." He looked around the room, catching everyone's eyes before continuing. "If they haven't changed, they will most likely be here. Our old hideout from when we were kid's. We have level grounds on the playing field but it's likely they'll have a plan if they really are behind everything." Tyrian tossed the marker in the air before catching it. "Lucky for us we have them outnumbered... I've been waiting to put Del in his place for a long time." His eyes darkened as he grinned. "Don't go getting any ideas just yet, we need a solid plan. If they're the ones causing this mess they'll surely be expecting us... They have an advantage over us so let's not forget it." Winter looked at Tyrian right in the eye's.

With a hesitant nod the glint his eyes disappeared. "We should start studying, we have a long night ahead of us." Everyone slowly nodded as they leaned in closer, pointing out routes and giving possible escape plans.

Tyrian held you close as the two of you tried to sleep. Two day's of planing and scouting had gone by and everyone felt confident in the plan. An ambush would be held as soon as the clock hit midnight, everyone was anxious and worried. Shifting slightly you sighed and looked up at Tyrian. "Ty... Are you awake?" You asked as he slowly opened his eyes. "Are you anxious my dear?" He questioned as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. You nodded and he hummed, pulling you closer to him as he tangled your body with his. "If you can't sleep I can tire you out." He grinned into your ear making you scoff. "Please don't, remember there are minor's in this tent." Oscar grimaced at the thought. "I don't think anyone does." Nora butted in, small laughter filled the tent before Winter spoke up. "Try and sleep everyone... It'll be a long night."

It seemed nobody could get any sleep as the alarm rang throughout the tent. Small groans and huff's were heard as the ambush team got ready. "Good luck out there." Ren gave Nora a quick glance before nodding and heading out of the tent. "Good luck out there guy's..." Blake's tired voice sent you off. "Well team Ambush... Here we go." You mumbled as you climbed on the back of a motorbike. Tyrian started the engine and waited for the rest to do the same. "We'll have to cut the engine's a block from the hideout, we can't risk them hearing us." Tyrian warned as he revved up the engine. Everyone slowly nodded, making sure they had everything they needed. "Alright then... Roll out." The sound of engine's filled your ears as you rode into the city.

The late night breeze blew your hair back as you narrowed your eyes. Street lights becoming blurred at the high speed. With every turn you grew closer to your destination until a sudden halt stopped your racing thoughts. "We'll have to walk from here on out..." The street lights gave out putting everyone on high alert. "This'll be fun! A nice batch to take care of don't you think Del?" You cursed under your breath as you looked around, the darkness only allowed you to see a couple feet infront of you. "Too bad we're all not faunus though. I was hoping for some actual fun." Tyrian's tail wrapped around you, pulling you closer to the male as he had his eyes focused on something behind you. "This is what we've been waiting for... Welcome to the show everyone!"

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