"If they won't tell you, I will," Soobin tilted his head swiftly, joining in the conversation. "You both—together—are a tiring pair for us. We always have to step in and solve your problems for you."

"Because they can never seem to tell who's in the right or the wrong," Kai grumbled, shaking his head. "They both always think they're right."

"That's ego for you," Taehyun shrugged, sighing. "Why are you both even dating if you guys are just going to argue? Doesn't that drain you a bit?"

"...A bit?" The short answer came out more as a question, causing me to sigh. "I love him lots, I really do. However, the more we cuss each other out, only for us to kiss and make-up, it's getting repetitive. I wish we could've just been more... neutral about it."

Before either of the three could respond, we heard quiet laughter. This wasn't good. "Then why are we dating, Yang Yihwa?" I heard alongside the disbelief in his tone, the boy exiting the side of the stands before he appeared in front of us, holding a crate full of basketballs. He slowly walked up the stands, glaring down at me as I sat still. "Why the fuck are we dating if you're so sick of it?"

"Hyung, that's not what she said—"

"You should shut the fuck up too—you must be kissing up to her ass so she can stay friends with you... it makes me fucking mad," Beomgyu chuckled sarcastically, shaking his head before turning back to me. "Tell me, Yang Yihwa! Are you so sick of our relationship!?"

I chose to stay silent, licking my lollipop to avoid arguing with him. It's only been 3 months. I still can't forgive myself.

"Say something!" He yelled, everyone, tending our way. I eventually looked up at him, seeing the stare that could kill me over and over again. Before I could finally respond, the basket of basketballs was suddenly turning over on my head from far above, the several amounts hitting me all over my body.

"Beomgyu!" Soobin had yelled, pushing Beomgyu slightly as he tried to block the rest of the basketballs. It was silent in the court for a while, all that was heard was the bouncing of the sport he used to play against walls and floors. "Why the hell would you do that to her in front of all these people?!"

"Because she fucking deserves it," He whispered, glaring at me. "Like the stupid bitch she is."

Bitch, bitch, bitch. It's all I heard. If you were to insult me next time, at least make it original, damn! No...breathe in, breathe out...compose yourself. It's not time to yell at him. "You fucking suck—" He paused, inhaling sharply. "You're the worst girlfriend."

Ouch. Permanent damage.

I wasn't going to cry, I couldn't. He had already stomped away before I would play victim, crying my life away so that he'd apologize and I wouldn't have to. However, he was gone—there was no use in publicly embarrassing myself any further.

"Are you okay, Yihwa!?" Kai stood up in worry, patting my head from the hit. "Ah, what's wrong with hyung these days?"

"I'll be fine," I gritted my teeth, laughing awkwardly as I stood up and grabbed my things. "Now, if you excuse me... I have to go study." Walking away from them quickly, I disregarded all the murmurs and stares.

Beomgyu, you toxic bastard... I'll get you back one of these days.

"He did what?!"

"Yeah, that's what I said!" I scoffed in disbelief, walking home. I held my phone in my hand, the other holding my birthday cake. Yeah, today was my birthday, the day where I got basketballs thrown all over my head. Maybe I should've said something to make him feel a little more guilty, but I won't push it. "He threw basketballs on me in front of all the classes in the gym! Don't you know how embarrassing that is, Yeonjun!?"

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