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Narrator's POV 

Shoto's team were now running to the western part of the forest trying to locate their enemy 

[How we will find them in this forest we don't even have a clue about their location]-Kaibara

[I can locate them you know]-Ram

[But so far I can't still see them nor feel their presence] She continued

[Then I think It is wise to construct a plan first]-Shoda 

[I agree]-Monoma 

[Ok then let's stop here for a while ram be on guard we don't want any unexpected guest right now]-Shoto

[Way ahead of you]-Ram 

[Now what's the plan]-Kaibara 

As they construct their plan they didn't notice that there is someone listening to them hiding among the shadow of the trees 

[HAHAHA well that sounds useful]-???


[Hmmm....That might work]Monoma 

[Ok then we-]-Shoto


Shoto and his team were now in their battle stance waiting for the guardian to approach them but suddenly their vision turned black and they could only hear that there someone running towards them and saying

[HAHAHAHA Tremble]-???

[Shit!]-Shoto said as tries to locate his teammates then suddenly his vision came back he looks at his teammates he saw shoda on the ground holding on his stomach Monoma is on his knees breathing heavily and Kaibara is nowhere to be seen then he noticed there is a hole where kaibara were standing before their vision turned black only him and ram were the only ones left standing then out of nowhere a creature appeared in front of shoto trying to strike him with the blade around his arm but lucky ram saved him by hitting the creature with her morning star causing it to collide to a tree before they could take a good look at it and analyze the creature it disappeared and leaving only a small traces of smoke but before they could recover a man with weird-looking metal ball  appeared above them and slamming it to the ground 

[Tch you have quick reflexes]-???

[Who are you!]-Shoto

[I'm phoveus Now tremble in my presence] and he raises his and a image of eye appeared below shoto and ram once the eye closed they collide to each other  like a magnet then phoveus appeared above them again they could not react immediately shoto block the attack using his body to protect phoveus had smug look on his face while ram looked surprised at shoto sudden action 

[Now shoda!]-Shoto 

shoda were now throwing small pebbles at phoveus, Phoveus look dumbfounded at shoda's action he is about to jump at him then he heard him shout 

[TWIN IMPACT:COMET!] all the small pebbles started hitting him at every direction giving him no time to dodge or the attack shoda


The creature appeared again right above shoda whle shoda were continued harassing phoveus with his attacks 

[Foolish child] Helcurt taught he didn't notice him but two figure came out of the ground and hitting him with a roundhouse kick sending helcurt flying to a tree again 

THE MISFITSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ