11. Figured out

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Bakugou's pov

I had been to a few more shows and eventually got my notebooks back from Ginger. We're basically pure enemies. She hates me for always correcting her designs and I hate her for hating me. Well that doesn't matter now. What really does matter is that I put together all the pieces of something big. I found out the model I had been admirings identity. Yep, I'm talking about Akio, the hot motherfucker. I was pretty shocked and I still am. How can Shoto fucking Todoroki be the guy I've been close to simping for. I mean it did become pretty obvious. The ankle, the being late for class the morning after each and every show. How tired he was in the beginning of the week and not to mention his cold expression while modeling. When Ginger called him out from class. The excuse of him saying 'I'm going to my father's house this weekend.' His disguise at the design fix up was also kinda obvious. It all adds up.

"Hey Bakugouuuuu. Snap out of it. You've been staring at Todoroki for the past 5 minuets. You're making him uncomfortable. I mean look at him. He looks so nervous." Tape told me, snapping me out of my mental discussion.

"Ohhh~ Sero hun, I think our Bakubae has a little crush." Raccoon Eyes said while drawing an air heart with her finger. I didn't say anything but looked up at her from the couch and scowled while rolling my eyes.

"Well at least go and tell him you're sorry for making him feel uncomfortable." Tape told me.

"Fucking bastard." I mumbled underneath my breathe before getting up from the couch and walking towards the hall. I stopped a few steps away from the hall.

"Oi Icy-Hot! Get your shitty ass here right now." I shouted while Icy-Hots head looked up at me almost immediately after he heard his 'name'. He looked at me confused then excused himself from his friend group and came over to me now looking kinda nervous.

"Do you need anything Bakugou?" He asked me.

"No! Tch, shitty Tape Mouth told me to apologise to you for staring." I said bluntly.

"O-oh. Yeah no it's fine." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't look nervous anymore instead he was cold again. "I'm actually surprised you even listened to him" He said while taking out his ringing phone.

"Don't get cocky with me Icy-Hot." I scowled at him.

"Yeah yeah, excuse me now, I have to take this call. It's important." He pointed his index finger horizontally while he spoke. I peeked down at the caller and saw it read 'agency'. Probably Ginger calling.

"Yeah yeah." I scoffed while he walked off down to his dorm room.
Ofcourse me just being me, I was curious and decided to follow him after a bit. I wanted to hear the conversation.

"Hey, it's me Aito, Michiko told me to call you with the company's number to inform you that there's no way of getting you out the team training exercise you're doing soon. So sorry bro, you can't be the famous 'Mystery Model' next Thursday." I heard the caller say. So Blue Bitch.

"Oh ok, yeah no that's fine. You gonna take my place?" I heard Icy-Hot reply then ask.

"Yeah, it wouldn't be that noticable. We're almost the same height shortie." Blue Bitch said the last sentence with tease in his voice.

"You're taller by 2 fucking cm. Shut it. Bye." Icy-Hot ended the call almost immediately after he said bye.

"Shortie" I heard him muffle in an unamused tone. The phone then rang again. "He really thinks I'm gonna pick up, doesn't he?" Icy-Hot said. I think he declined the call because there was silence for awhile after he spoke. I got bored so I decided to go to my dorm.

Todoroki's pov

So I have to do the hero training next Thursday. Well, at least I hope I get a good partner. It is pairs right? I think so. I thought to myself while putting my phone to charge. I also hope I don't get someone who's hard to fight agaisnt. I want an easy battle. Someone who I can beat easily. Like Uraraka or shoji, or even koda and Jirou. Although, Jirou has gotten pretty strong and so has Uraraka. What about Mineta and someone else? Beating Mineta with my quirk would be easy. I can just freeze him. Or burn him. He's weak and a chicken. Easy. I probably won't get lucky though.
Kaminari, he's gotten so much stronger. It's almost scary. Kirishima's quirk wouldn't really be one to beat me. Unless we do a fist to fist fight but I doubt that.

"Ughh. I'm over thinking again" I groaned to myself while falling backwards onto my bed. I'll just go to sleep. I looked over at my clock, but it's too early for that. Whatever, screw it, I need my sleep.

I soon after changed into my pyjamas, got into bed and fell asleep but what felt like too soon, my alarm went off.

This started repeating for days until it was Wednesday. It was last period and Aizawa was calling out pairs for the next day.

"Yaoyorozu and Kirishima, Bakugou and Todoroki and lastly Jirou and Mina." Aizawa told the class. Wait what!? I'm with Bakugou. I said I wanted to be paired with someone strong but him? He's gonna walk away and think he can do everything on his own isn't he. God this is a nightmare.

Ok so yeah, I'm tired asf and I'm done. I'll write the next chapter next week sometime. Ok? Bye my explosives💥

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