Tribulations and trials

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Okay, this has taken me way too long to write, I'm so sorry. Feeling a bit better now, so yay! Enjoy!

Harry once again found himself sitting in Dumbledore's office, ignoring the headmaster as he ranted. Just as the man was clearly beginning to get frustrated, McGonagall stepped in. "Mr Potter, please do not ignore the headmaster!" He sighed, turning to face her, pointedly away from Dumbledore. "The headmaster told me I was no longer allowed to use this spell to communicate with him, I have no other alternative. Unless you have some paper I could use?" Both professors looked confused at that, and Severus stepped forward. "Albus, tell me you don't believe this nonsense of Potter lying about his speech." Dumbledore looked rather lost as both teachers watched him sternly. "I had to check dear boy, we do not tolerate that sort of behaviour in this school." Harry frowned, crossing his arms as he leant back in his chair, Snape moving to stand behind him.

"But I wasn't lying!" Lucius entered the office, catching the conversation and glaring as he helped his wife through the floo. "Lord and Lady Malfoy, this is quite a surprise." They cut an intimidating figure, their beauty and power obvious even in the small office. "Severus informed us of the situation and we came immediately. Harry makes a a point Dumbledore, I would like you to answer him." After a moment Albus finally stopped watching Severus accusingly and turned to face him. "Now, now Lucius it's..." He cut him off immediately, incensed and wanting this conversation to be over as quickly as possible. "Twice in as many days, you have pulled my child into this room and attempted to punish him for reasons no fault of his own. Why are my son's being punished rather than those that started to altercation, your two little Gryffindors?" Albus opened his mouth to deny his blatent favouritism, but Lucius was not done. "I have enough of you targeting Harry. Those children will be punished for slandering and attacking my family, and you will leave Harry alone, or both he and Draco shall be removed from Hogwarts!"

Unfortunately Harry was not able to watch the rest of the amusing altercation, as Severus quietly led him out, leaving the adults to argue. Resolving to ask Lucius about it, and fill in Draco, he fell quiet as he walked with Severus towards the Great hall. Lucius had called him his child, his son. No one had ever protected him like that before, truly treating him as family. He knew Draco saw him as a brother but.... A hand shook him from his reverie, and he looked up to see Severus watching him. They were close to the hall, he could hear the loud arguing of the students as Lunch began. "Thank you for telling the Malfoys sir." Snape simply nodded, looking around before leaning down to meet his eyes. "Be careful Harry. I'm unsure as to how much you know of the dark lords plan, but earning Dumbledore's ire is not a good idea right now." Harry nodded, he was aware of the plan, and he'd read the newspapers. Dumbledore wasn't doing well, and whilst this would bring him further to his fall, it also made the man unpredictable and dangerous. Appeased, Severus straightened again, and they entered the hall. "Weasley, Granger, detention!" The Gryffindors all groaned and Harry smirked as he took a seat at his table, sending Draco a quick thumbs up. Luna moved next to him, and he smiled as she sat down. "Hey Luna." She smiled back absently, braiding her hair as she joined the group and spoke. "Hello Harry. I hope the headmaster is not too infuriated with you, it won't end very well." He, Terry and Lisa quickly realised this was not a simple comment, but rather Luna's Sight, and settled in. Terry and Lisa didn't know about Harry's involvement with the Dark Lord, but Luna likely did. "Is he planning something?" She didn't reply for a moment, staring up at the clouds of the enchanted ceiling as they drifted across. "You must be careful." She said nothing else, and the children began to hurriedly eat before their next lesson, tension in the air.

The Malfoys finally left after many threats, and Dumbledore allowed his fury to show, his magic swelling and expanding until it burst, throwing furniture across the office, smashing into walls. This was all Voldemorts fault, he was clearly using the Malfoys to get to the boy, to spread defamatory claims and ruin him, not to mention the new laws. Now he couldn't even talk to Harry for fear of the boy being sent to Beauxbatons. He was losing control, and it had all started with that article, with the world discovering what only he had known. He and Aberforth. Perhaps it was the anger that caused him to do what he did next, activating the floo to the Hogs Head. To confront his estranged brother.

Harry Potter and the Silent Dead: Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن