I call this character development

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Shacklebolt, as it turned out, was a very competent teacher. Although, Harry's only comparison's were a stuttering fool, and a smiling fool. Even so, for the first time since he'd joined Hogwarts, he finally learnt something. Admittedly it was mostly from an aurors point of view, focusing on basic defensive charms and information on a few dark creatures, but it was interesting. The class quickly learned that Cornish pixies weren't as friendly as they seemed, Shacklebolt having to petrify one before it hoisted a Gryffindor into the air. It had been an amusing lesson, and everyone had left the room laughing and discussing the events.

Harry himself had been feeling surprisingly talkative as well. Now his friends were informed of his abilities, they'd become much closer, with them often asking the strangest questions. "So, you could kiss a ghost? Theoretically." Blaise had received some strange looks at that, whilst Draco immediately teased the boy. "I knew you had a crush on the fat friar!" The group laughed, and Harry simply rolled his eyes. It was nice to talk with them, but he hoped they wouldn't accidentally blab his secret. "Very funny Blaise. If you wanted I could introduce you guys." He still spoke very softly, but the group caught what he said, bursting into peals of laughter as Blaise flushed a bright red, and crossing his arms. They were all too amused to notice the two figures following them through the halls.

Hermione and Ronald were shocked. Well, at least Hermione was. Ron however was more angry than anything. "He's making it up! That little traitor was making it up!" Hermione tuned him out as he gloated about 'knowing it all along', instead wondering why Potter had lied. Was he just trying to get attention? It didn't make sense, he'd had plenty of attention when he got here, it had only gone away as people realised he wouldn't talk. She abandoned Ronald, running to the headmaster's office. He'd know what to do.

The group of Ravens and Snakes wondered into the hall later that day, to a hush in chatter. They looked around, wondering what was going on as several Gryffindors wondered up to them. "Talk!" They were looking at Harry, and the Slytherins immediately looked down on the lions as Lisa and Terry shuffled closer to their friend. "We know you can talk, Ron heard you, you've just been lying to get attention!" Weasley stepped out behind the other Gryffindors, a nasty look on his face as he nodded. "You're not slick Potter, you're just an attention seeking traitor. You could have been in the best house, but now you're hanging out with nerds and dark wizards!" The ginger practically spit the words at him as the entire hall watched on. None of them seemed surprised, and it was obvious that the rumour had spread like quickfire. No said anything until Draco stepped forwards, sneering at Weasley in disgust. "Careful Weasley, your idiocy is showing." Before he could respond, Draco turned to address the hall. "To save my brother from anymore idiots trying to start a fight, Harry is selectively mute. He can talk sometimes, but only to certain people, and he can't control who. He only talks to people he can trust, so don't expect him to start talking to everyone suddenly." The group of Gryffindors shifted nervously, clearly no longer as sure of themselves, especially as the rest of the students seemed to slowly accept what Malfoy had said. Unfortunately, this didn't stop Ron. "If that was true, he wouldn't be talking to you. No one can trust death eaters!" A hand landed on the gingers shoulder, and everyone looked up to see Professor Snape glaring down at them. "With me Mr.Weasley." He said nothing else, leading the student away under the judging gazes of his peers.

The silence was heavy as the Gryffindors returned to their table, and Harry opting to stay with the Slytherins at theirs. From what he could tell, no one seemed overly bothered about Harry speaking, although they did seem rather upset with Gryffindor. Likely due to the Weasley boy's words. The Weasley children themselves seemed rather embarrassed. Harry let out a shuddering breath as he leant against Theo for support, smiling as his friends checked on him. Only one thing was going through his head. If he'd been heard talking, what else did people know? His fears only rose as a note appeared in front of him, looping cursive across white parchment. Mr.Potter, please visit my office after dinner. It was obviously from Dumbledore, and Draco glared at it. "I'll send a letter to father, let him know what's happened." Harry nodded before pushing the note aside and starting to eat. He could only hope this was only about the scene in the hall and nothing else.

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