Chapter 6: Trouble

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Tom? Are you there? I need your help.
He immediately summoned a quill to reply, worried. Harry? What's wrong? He didn't get a reply for a while, and tried not to grow more concerned. This wasn't like him..... Surely Harry was just busy. Tom! He sighed in relief, and watched the inky words appear across the page. Well I finally managed to get rid of Lockhart, but that's not important. It must be quite big, considering how determined Harry had been to get rid of the man. An Acromantula left the forbidden forest and attacked a student! It doesn't make any sense! He was right, it didn't make sense. Acromantula's despised humans, and never left their nest. Those spiders hadn't left the forest since Hagrid had first brought the damn thing...... A horrifying thought occured to him, and he quickly wrote back to Harry before slamming the book closed. I'll handle it.

Severus was walking around the school grounds, keeping an eye out for spiders when a harsh burning spread through his arm. He immediately looked around, and seeing no one around, ran to the ward boundaries before apparating to His Lord. He arrived in a darkened room, lit only by a large fireplace. Before it was a small table and large wing-backed chair, which seated the Dark Lord. "My Lord." He knelt beside him, waiting for the wizard to speak. It was silent for a moment before he spoke. "I gave you a task Severus, one you swore to fulfil." Panic flooded him, and he raised his occlumency wards before speaking. "My Lord?" The man slammed a hand on the table, and for a second he saw the dark lord of the last war, the one full of paranoia and insanity and hatred. But there was something different this time. A look in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

"I told you to protect Harry Potter, and yet there are attacks within the castle walls." Severus wondered how he could know about the Acromantula's, and came to the conclusion that Harry was talking to the man. There was no other way he could know. He decided there to confront the boy. He had to make sure he was safe. "I can only apologise my lord, I shall do everything I can to determine what occured." At that, the Dark wizard leant back, looking down at him. "I have reason to believe this is Dumbledore's doing. It's rather similar to an event that has occured before. Go to the nest and discover what he has done. Kill the creatures if you must, but lay bare the man's plan. I do not trust him." He couldn't reply for a moment, but quickly nodded, promising to do so, before being dismissed. In a haze, he left, returning to the school. He had to go to the Forbidden Forest. And he had to talk to Harry.

The next day, the school held host to the ministry, aurors, creature experts and the minister himself being present. The students were allowed out, but there was a curfew, and they had been advised to stay in groups. Harry was walking to the Great hall for breakfast, happy to finally talk to his Slytherin friends for a moment. As they turned the corner, he stopped in surprise, before running up to the blond man in front of them. "Lucius!" Draco immediately joined to greet his father, who seemed pleasantly surprised at the boys reactions. "Hello again." He briefly hugged Draco, squeezing Harry's shoulder and nodding at the other children. "What are you doing here?" Draco asked eagerly, looking up at his father with bright eyes.

"Well, I believe you have Harry to thank." The other looked rather confused, but Harry grinned up at his guardian. "So you're covering for Lockhart then?" Lucius nodded, he wasn't sure how the child had managed to get rid of Lockhart, but was happy for it. Not only was the idiot gone, he would be seeing his son and ward more. He was worried as much as anyone by the attack, and wanted to ensure that his boys were safe. "I'll be here until Christmas, then the ministry will appoint a more suitable replacement." Daphne looked confused at this, and he looked down at her inquisitively. "I thought the headmaster appointed new staff." Lucius nodded, and the children followed him as he began to walk to the Great hall. "Yes, they usually do."

He didn't need to say anymore, and a hush fell as the hall saw Lucius walk up to the teachers table. The ministry clearly didn't trust Dumbledore anymore. The headmaster looked wear as he stood up to address the students. "Hello, if I could have your attention for just a moment. Due to the unfortunate departure of Professor Lockhart, Lord Lucius Malfoy will be returning as interim DADA teacher until Christmas". He sat down again as the children burst into chatter, and Harry wondered why the man looked so angry.

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