Chapter 3: A rebellion

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Tom smiled slightly at the reply, glad to hear from Harry again. He wasn't sure why he felt so close to the child, but he did. He felt almost protective of Harry. Perhaps because the boy gave him his body back. Perhaps his now saner mind regretted killing the child's parents. Deciding not to dwell on it, he wrote back. Indeed, I have not seen you since the Yule ball. I certainly hope Lucius is taking good care of you. He waited for a moment, watching the blank page, before inky lines began to creep across, like blood on fresh snow. I'm very happy living with the Malfoys, they were very kind to take me in. He smirked at that, Lucius had eventually told him of the deal they had made. To aid in Harry in return for removing Abraxus. He hadn't been sure how to feel about that. Abraxus Malfoy had been one of his few friends in school, but he had to admit the man was a terrible father. He and Harry spoke for a while more before the young Ravenclaw had to sleep, and he bid the child goodbye before closing the book. It was good to speak to him again, and he sat back in his chair, staring deep into the flames as he pondered his strange actions.

As Harry closed his eyes to sleep, he frowned, remembering the strange dream of last night. Perhaps he should have asked Marvolo? The Dark Lord certainly knew more of magic than he did. He shrugged, settling back against his cushions, and closing his eyes. If it kept happening, he would look into it. He drifted into a dreamless sleep, and woke the next morning feeling refreshed. Bidding a good morning to Terry and Kevin, he dressed, before walking downstairs to find Lisa. Reunited, the trio walked down towards the Great hall for breakfast. They waved over at Draco, and Harry noticed dark circles under the blonds eyes. Draco his it well, but he apparantely hadn't slept well last night. Feeling guilty, he resolved to make sure his friend would come to him in those times, as they used to.

Before they could begin to eat, Dumbledore stood, drawing the attention of the student body. He held a solemn, disappointed expression on his face, looking out at the children. "Recently, some students have elected to neglect their education." Everyone frowned, confused as to what the headmaster was going on about. "These students know who they are, and I was certainly surprised to hear the source of the complaints against Professor Lockhart." At this, everyone turned to watch the egotistical man, who's sour expression immediately changed to a large smile as everyone looked at him. Harry rolled his eyes, before turning back to Dumbledore. "No action will be taken as of yet, but I'd like to remind all students of importance of their studies, and the respect they should show their professors."

Finished speaking, the old man sat down, and the hall erupted in conversation, wondering who had complained about Lockhart. The Slytherins weren't surprised, and the Ravenclaws knew exactly what was going on, scowls surrounding the table. Harry frowned, before tugging Lisa's sleeve. His friend cleared her throat, eventually gathering the attention of the table. Many of the older years cast notice me not, and silencing charms around the table, turning to Harry. He was quite surprised by how the house seemed to so easily listen to him, even the first years, and wondered if it was to do with being 'the famous Harry Potter'. He passed the letter over to Lisa, unwilling to be caught using his fire text, and she began to read out his plan.

"We all know Lockhart is incapable. None of us will learn anything from the idiot, and this is especially a problem for the seventh years. I have a plan, but I need every one of you to go with it, for it to work." The entire table leaned forward eagerly, looking between Lisa and Harry. "We need to boycott DADA lessons. We can all return to the common room and private study. Perhaps if the older years are available, you could aid the first years. We aren't learning anything in the lessons anyway." This seemed to get mixed reactions from the Ravenclaws, and he elbowed Lisa to carry on reading, before doubt spread through them all. "I, Harry, am going to contact Lucius Malfoy about this, who I'm sure will take matters to the ministry. The Slytherins will definitely be happy to refuse Lockhart, and I can imagine many of them will have ideas to remove the idiot from his position." This seemed to bring them back, and the students all looked at each other, whispering before nodding. The head girl, Angelica, smiled at Harry before speaking up. "We'll do it. I'm in my last year now, we need a competent teacher. I say let's give it a shot. Agreement was echoed, and the charms were removed as everyone headed for their first class of the day.

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