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Hayden's POV

I returned back when I heard crickets starting to chirp and I knew my grandma wouldn't be too happy if I stayed out any longer.

"I'm going to bed dear" my grandma stood up from her chair and began walking towards the stairs.

"Goodnight grandma" I said flicking through the channels on the tv.

Just as I was beginning to doze off on the couch a small knock was at the door, I jumped a bit from the sudden noise. "What the hell" I mumbled to myself.

I opened the door and there stood the same boy from earlier. Since he was a lot closer I could see every detail of his face. His jawline was very sharp and he was definitely the most handsome boy I've ever seen.

I loved his almost black hair which looked like it was done by a professional. I could see a dimple only on the right side of his face.

He cleared his throat and I blushed a little since I had been staring at him for a while now.

"Umm can I have some toilet paper?" He scratched the back of his head and I could tell he was embarrassed.

I giggled a little bit because that was the last thing I expected him to ask for. "Sure" I said and walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks" his voice was low and dominate. I nodded at him and he began walking away and I closed the door.

That was probably the weirdest interaction I've ever had with somebody. Why didn't he bring toilet paper with him?

The next morning I could smell the bacon coming from downstairs. I've missed my grandmas cooking and I forgot how good it was as my mouth was watering.

"Morning" I said sleepily. "Morning dear who was that at the door last night? I could hear them talking" she asked as she cracked an egg into a bowl.

"This guy needed toilet paper" I felt myself blush remembering the whole scene from last night.

"Oh that's very strange" I poured myself a glass of orange juice. "Breakfast is ready" she set down the plate of bacon and eggs onto the table.

"Thank you" I began taking some of the food onto my plate.

"So Hayden I've been needing to talk to you" I looked up at her unsure of what this 'talk' was gonna be about.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving and I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days. I'm still unsure of how long but I have a friend that needs help moving into her new house and she asked me to help redecorate it" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok it's fine" I said taking a drink of my juice. "Are you sure you are okay with that?" She asked

I nodded my head and we both continued eating.

"Since I'm gonna be gone you should go out and make some friends so you won't be lonely" my grandma said cheerfully.

I shrugged "maybe"

Once breakfast was done I helped pick up and my grandma left to go into town to get a couple of groceries.

I was left by myself which was nothing new, I was used to it at this point. I thought about what I could do while I waited for my grandma to return.

Since I hadn't been down by the water yet I decided I could get some sun and tan. I changed into one of my bathing suits, when looking in the mirror it's hard to see anything beautiful.

My world is beginning to blur, my image in the mirror is starting to change. Everyday becomes more and more similar to the one before, when life begins to get more meaningless with each passing minute.

The mirror shows a reflection of a healthy 17 year old girl but my soul is weakening and is eating at the little life I had in me. Not only will I be 6 feet under but my spirit will have departed long ago

I am dying

I took a deep breath and sat down in a chair that you could lay down in. It was so peaceful being by the water. A couple of boats and jet skis were out on the lake.

"Don't think I've ever seen seen you here before" I looked up and a boy on a jet ski had come over by me. His hair was a curly blond and he looked to be friendly.

"I'm just here for the summer" I said. "Where you from?" He asked


"Oh cool I'm Nathan by the way"

"Hayden" I said vaguely.

"There's gonna be a party tomorrow night you should come" he started smiling. "It's the blue house with a white porch"

"Maybe" I haven't always like big social events but nobody knows who I am here so it wouldn't be the worst thing if I went.

"Ok then" he sped off back into the middle of the lake. I watched him for a little longer, he was jumping waves and it actually looked really fun.

Maybe staying here for the summer won't be so bad after all...

This is a Jet Ski for anyone wondering

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This is a Jet Ski for anyone wondering. I know that not everyone calls them this but where I'm from we call them Jet Skis FYI

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