Why Did It Have To Be You?

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I cried for you
I buried you
I'm doing this because of you
So why are you infront of me as a demon?
Why did it have to be you?


"Ah! Hello there onii-Chan~" nezuko said with a coo
'What?! She knows who I am?! Then.... then why is she on his side?'

Akaza just raised an eyebrow
"How is life so far onii-Chan? It's been absolutely wonderful for me!" She said with a large crooked smile

Tanjiro just stayed quite
"Oh? What's wrong? Are you not happy to see me again? Cause I am! hehehehe"
Tanjiro didn't say a thing

"Are you gonna talk or-"
"Why'd it have to be you?" Tanjiro asked, interrupting her. Nezuko stayed silent for a minute before responding. "Because life isn't fair onii-Chan, I thought you of all people would've knew that" she said with a chuckle

Tanjiro went quite again
"Oh well, I would ask you to join me, but master wants you dead." She said before she got into a stance and drew her claws, baring her teeth like an animal

"Let's get started onii-Chan~"

She rushed at him, aiming for his head with her claws. Tanjiro simply blocked
'Why'd it have to be you'

Nezuko sent a kick, aiming for his sides. Tanjiro blocked with his sword but to his surprise he was sent back pretty far
'Strong kick'

"Hehehehe this is fun isn't it onii-Chan? What a fun family reunion!" Nezuko cackled as she sent a furry of claw attacks at him. Tanjiro just kept on jumping out of the way

She rushed at him and sent a punch at him. Tanjiro blocked again with his sword, making her arm stuck in it. She, however, just cackled

"Why aren't you attacking onii-Chan~? Is it because I'm your sister?" She said with a large smile

'Why do I have to fight you?'
Nezuko took advantage of this and scratched him deeply in the chest. Tanjiro however just used total concentration breathing to heal it quickly with a straight face.
"Blood demon art:exploding blood!"

Tanjiros eyes widened
He jumped back far, dodging the huge fire just in time
'Of course it's fire' Tanjiro thought with a sigh

"Onii-Chan, please fight back! It'll be boring if I'm the only one attacking, Don't you think?"
Nezuko said as she sent many punches at him, getting her blood everywhere

"Why aren't you fighting back onii-Chan? Does seeing me give you memories of our family? The family you failed to protect?"

Tanjiros eyes widened
"Blood demon art:exploding blood"
Everywhere around Tanjiro burst into bright flames. Nezuko laughed like a maniac loudly

"Sun breathing 4th form fake rainbow"
(The user utilizes this technique to evade incoming attacks with high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages. The afterimages work most effectively on enemies with good vision as they will probably fail attack the afterimage instead of the actual body of the user.)


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