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I WAS A BIT CONFUSED, as the trio led us outside, we were walking on a hill

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I WAS A BIT CONFUSED, as the trio led us outside, we were walking on a hill. "Hey guys, where are we going? I ask them. Harry turned around momentarily."It's a surprise." Then, he continued walking, I was behind the three of them, but it wasn't a big deal, i knew they existed, of course, but a part of me wished Juliet could experience this,too.

"Andddd we're here."

Confused, i walked up to them, but felt happier when i saw the view, it was goregous, not as gorgeous as Hermione was, but very pretty. "Wow... i said, in awe. "I know right?Hermione asked me, smiling."We go here a lot, so we figured...."

"Why not bring you? Ron finished, crossing his arms, then sat down, patting the grass."c'mon, sit down."

"okay, will we get in trouble?"

"nope, we got permission."

I smiled, that was good to here, but, of course, i should have known that, Hermione was with them, she didn't tend to do any trouble that wasn't with permission, and recently, with Voldemort and everything like that, it was bound to happen, right?

"That's a relief, i sigh."i-i really don't want to get in trouble, my Mum would kill me." "Well, your mum isn't here anyway, right? Ron asked."so either way, you're good. we'll-"

"hey, why are you idiots up here?"

We turned around to see Malfoy with his 'gang', Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle, lastly, Pansy Parkinson.

"Just shove off, malfoy, we found it first, Harry said."so leave, and that way nobody gets hurt." "Oh? so now the boy who lived has a big ego? Pansy said, mockingly, then bursting into laughter, along with her friends and crush.

"Okay, just leave! I say, sternly."Because honestly, spread your negativity somewhere else." Draco laughed, but listened, and left. "Alex, I think He still fancies you, joked Hermione."He always listens to you."

"Maybe, but i don't fancy him, besides, if he wants me to like him, bullying is NOT it,I say."now c'mon,let's go back to enjoying this place."


I got back into Hogwarts and saw Juliet waiting for me. "Where were you? Juliet asked, smirking."Sharing Saliva with someone?" "Ew no, you still act like an eleven-year old you know that, I comment.

She chuckled."Okay, well where you then? hm?" "Out with friends, I answer."Well er... the golden trio."

"oh my god, you didn't tell Harry i had a crush on him, did you?"

"Of course not, Juliet, but he is your Romeo."

Now it was Juliet who was blushing. "I-What? She said,nervously."y-you t-think s-so?" I nod."Look at you, a stuttering mess. I'm starving, aren't you?" She just nodded.

Maybe i should tell Harry about Juliet's crush on him, it's interesting, and i'm certain he likes her back, but i don't know, playing matchmaker is one of the most cliche things ever, and i am NOT a cliche person.

Alas, Juliet is NEVER going to admit her feelings to him, so i might as well help her right?

No, she'd hate me.

wait, she'd be happy...

I was such an indescisive person, that was why Juliet did a lot of decisions for us two, because i can't decide, it's annoying, but i've been that way since birth, really, and i've never seemed to been able to make a simple choice.but that doesn't mean i haven't done good decisions before.

"I am starving! Juliet declared as we sat down with our food."I thought for a second they'd not feed us ya know?" "Oh okay, i suppose, i laugh."but they would have eventually, dumbledore wouldn't do that." I admit, i never truly liked dumbledore, but i don't hate him, either.

"that man's a piece of shit, why is he still here anyways? Juliet asked, while chewing, but unlike me, Juliet hates him, thinks he's a "manipulative son of a bitch", but we of course don't express our opinions to anyone else, or dumbledore, for that matter.

"Because, he's a very powerful person, i explain to her."Besides, he's not that evil, i'm sure his choices somewhat benefit us as students."

"benefit? more like.... planning to kill us all off one by one."

Juliet clearly is into horror, i do, i suppose, but not as much as she is. Juliet suddenly yawned. "You okay,Jules? I asked her. "No, i barely got any sleep last night, Juliet said.Snape's the worst DADA professor ever."

I giggle."he's just cold, that's all, i doubt he geniunely hates any of us." "Besides harry, Juliet scoffed. She really is in love with that boy, i thought.

"Yeah, besides Harry, i murmurred before scooting closer to Juliet. "Anyways, got any plans this weekend? I asked her. Juliet said, while chewing,"Hogsmeade. I chose this weekend to go, why?"

"Oh, no reason, i chose to go too."

Juliet smiled."That's good, i didn't want to go alone." "Yeah i wouldn't let you go alone, i add, smiling.

"Hogsmeade is pretty fun, though."

"You're right, Alex."

"That's my job."

I tease her all the time, and so does she, so it was normal between us. "Hey, Ron said, walking past us. "Hey, i respond."What's up?" "Nothing much, are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend? He asked.

I nod."and so is Juliet, why? is Harry going?" "Yup, Ron replied, not noticing Juliet was almost as red as a tomato.

"Oh, okay. well, i will see you then, huh?"

"Can't wait."

he walked away, and i laughed straight in juliet's face. "w-what? she asked."d-do i-i h-have something on m-my f-face? she stuttered.

"no, you're just blushing, you stutter when you get nervous, you know harry is going to hogsmeade so...."

"shut up will you? she teased."i'm not going just for harry, no, i planned it before i knew he was coming, too, so beat that!" I chuckle."alright, although i am a bit skeptical." She groaned and rolled my eyes."I'm full. are you?"

I nod."I am, we can go now." Nearby, from the corner of my eye, i saw Draco glancing at me, well, staring.

What was he planning anyways? was i involved in it?

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