Part 6 home sweet home

Start from the beginning

"How do you feel?" I ask her, "pretty good, what about you?" "Pretty good." I say, we both smile. I look at her arms she got a few bruises, "Darry said you got Stitches." She says, worry in her voice "yeah, I didn't need them but you brothers insisted." I know I needed them but I can never admit that.

"Yeah it seems like you did, there a lot of blood in the bathroom." My eyes grew, "oh gosh, sorry Soda. I'll clean it up." I say, Sprite looks at me, "it's nothing, we already got it." Soda says from the kitchen, "I really could have done it." I say, "not with those stitches." He says as he brings in some sandwich's, "who's hungry?" He says, I hear feet charging down stairs. "I am!" Pony yells, he sits down and Johnny right beside him, I can't help but smile.

We were eating, talking, laughing, until Dally came in. I know for sure he must be my brother, what are the chances we both ended up here. How has no one else noticed us, we look like twins even though he's 2 years older than me.

Me and Dally make eye contact then I go back to the conversation at the table, "any one want to see a movie today?" Pony asks, "we will." Sprite says, putting her arm around me, "sure, because I've already been signed up." I say, Pony and Johnny laugh, while Soda grabs plates and brings them in the kitchen.

"Soda I can do that." I say, "nope, your the guest." He says, smiling. Sprite whispers in my ear, "Darry said he won't turn you or me in." She says smiling, I smile back and stand up, "what times our movie Pony?" I ask, "around 7, Dally said he would come to." He says all excited, I just nod. I don't need Dally finding out my last name or anything, "what should we do until then?" Sprite asks, as we walk over and sit on the couch, "watch Mickey!" Two Bit says as he walks in the house.

After awhile of watching Mickey Dally leaves, "let's play truth or dare again." Two says, I just nod realizing that's what I missed yesterday, "Sprite your turn first." Two says, "ok Houston truth or dare?" Sprite asks me, "dare." I say with out thinking, I always say dare, "I dare you to..." she whispers in my ear, "give Soda a kiss, randomly sometime while your here." I roll my eyes at her.

"Hey we need to know her dare." Two complains, Sprite just rolls her eyes at him, I just sigh. When am I supposed to kiss him, I mean Soda cute but I bet a lot of girls kiss him. "Two Bit truth or dare?"

"Dare." He says, I had no idea what to dare him, "any ideas?" I ask everyone else, no one answers, my mind is trying hard to find any ideas, "Two bit I dare you to..." Darrys not down here, "burn all of Darrys newspapers that he collects." I say smiling, "no he'll kill me." Two complains, I just smile as Two grabs a stack of news paper and walks out the door.

We al run to the window and watch as he lights the papers on fire with his lighter. He comes back inside as the paper turns to ashs, "he's going to o murder me." He says, "Soda truth or dare?" Two says as we all move back towards the couch, "dare." Soda says, "come over here." Two pulls Soda away from me and Sprite, "that's annoying." Sprite says, "that's what we did to them." I say, me and Sprite laugh while Pony and Johnny look confused, "we better get going, don't want to be late." Pony says, me and Johnny and Sprite head out the door.

We find Dally beside some street, "what do you want to do?" Johnny asks, "nothing legal man." Dally says while strutting away, we all follow him.

Soon after we chased some kids away and threw cards at them we go to the movie place and climb under a fence. "Don't forget, you have a kiss to finish." Sprite says quietly as the boys find seats, "who's she kissing?" Pony says, "she has to kiss Soda." Sprite says, Pony "aww." "Shut up." I say.

Soon a red head and her friend sat in front of us, I didn't pay attention to them because I have only been to a movie once and it was a long time ago. The last time I was at a movie was on my 7 birthday, me and Dally snuck in, it was the day before he left.

Soon I feel a hand on my shoulder, I don't even look at who it is. I grab the hand and twist it the wrong way, once I see it's Two I let go quickly "what in the world?" He says, that's when I notice Pony and Johnny sitting next to some girl a row ahead of us, Sprite looks like she just woke up. "Sorry I thought you were someone else." I say.

He looks shocked but brushes it off, "you like this movie?" He asks, I nod " this is the first movie I've seen since my 7 birthday." I respond, Sprite looks shocked I never talk about my past, even to her.

Two takes a seat beside me, "so your 7th birthday? Who took you, your parent or the orphanage." He asks, I recognize he was trying to figure out how long I've been in the orphanage. "My brother, our parents..." I stop quickly, "anyone want a drink, or popcorn?" I ask, Sprite nods still shocked Two bit looks sad. "From what I know of Dally you seem to be like him, with the whole New York vibe."

I just nod and start to walk to get drinks, when I got to the drink area theres a short line. "Hey greaser." I hear a soc calling, I look behind me and see a stupid soc looking down at my chest. "Try me, you rich daddy's money kid." I say, he looks mad at that this, he is older than the guy from a few nights ago.

"Buzz off." I say grabbing 2 bags of popcorn and 2 cokes. I hear the soc behind me grabbing his food. I think I'm going to pay for the food, only one popcorn though the others I hid under my jacket. "Thanks." The cashier says, I roll my eyes at him and walk towards our seats.

When I get there I see Sprite standing up, "I should leave before you have to carry me home." She says, I smile knowing one of the boys would. "Or you could stay and eat this popcorn." I say trying to make her stay, I didn't feel like I wanted to get left alone with a bunch of boys I hardly know.

She smiles and sits down, "ok but after this movie I'm done." I nod and hand her the popcorn, Two bits in front of us talking to one of the socs in front. "Hey Two." I say getting his attention, "how about you share these with your lady friend." He smile and grabs a popcorn and coke, "what about you?" Sprite asks, "I'm not hungry." I say telling the truth. I get back into the movie, I missed a lot but I'm good at catching up quickly.

Soon the movie ends and somehow me, Pony, Johnny, Sprite, and Two bit end up walking the socs to Twos car. Sprite is talking to Johnny, Twos talking to the more annoying soc, and Pony talking to the red head. I don't care enough to find out their names.

All the sudden a mustang pulls up next to us, "so because I'm a little drunk, you hang out with these bums?" I hear a soc say while getting out the car, he's clearly really drunk. "Who you calling bum?" Two asks, soon a fights about to start I almost smile because I love a good fight. "Stop I'll go with him." Red head says, she pulls Pony over to talk to him and then her and the other girl get in the car. "You know your always welcome to come home with us." One of the socs says through the passenger window, "get lost." I say while starting to walk away.

"Well I'm going to go." Two says, we all say bye, "lets go to the lot for awhile." Sprite suggests, we all nod and follow her, I wasn't in a talking mood so I kept quiet most the time. Soon we are all laying on this grassy hill, the others talking while I drift asleep.

I wake up to Sprite shaking me, I almost flipped my switch on her, "what did I tell you Pony? She would have hurt you." Sprite says, "what~what time is it?" I ask still tired, it's night out but I can't tell what time it really is. "Late, we better get going. Johnny come over if it gets cold." Pony says, "ok." Johnny says, Pony and Sprite stand up, "you coming?" Sprite asks me, I'm still laying down looking at them, they looks so tall from down here. "I'll stay out here with Johnny." I say looking over at the quiet shy boy, he smiles. "Night then." Pony says as he grabs Sprites hand to lead her away, "night guys." Sprite says looks at me.

I smile and turn go face Johnny who's laying back down, "goodnight Johnny." I say, I think he said goodnight back, I'm not sure.

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