Early New ways (6)

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(This will have major 18+ parts in it, you have been warned and have fun reading!)

Zim pulled away slowly, his tounge slowly follow him. His face felt hot, but this time he knew it wasn't a sickness or anything of that sort. It was Dib, who was panting, his face light red. Of what Dib had said it was called him blushing.
Wait does that mean I'm doing the blushing as well!? Zim thought but didn't really care.
"We should- should really stop." Dib said in a low voice.
"We really shouldn't, let this go any further." Dib said looking slightly to his left, blush still there.
"Why? Because my doing is working?" Zim asked, him getting a little agitated that Dib keeped saying they should stop, or him get off and untie him.
Zim screwed up his face, bearing his teeth towards Dib. Dib saw this and backed his head away till the wall stoped him from doing so.
"Uh- Zim...?" Dib fidgeted nervously and tryed to loosen his arms up from rope that had him tied together. Zim fermaly placed his claw like hands in Dibs arms to keep them from moving slowly digging his claws in Dibs flesh.
Dib winced, and looked in Zims eyes nervously.
"Listen sorry if I pissed you off, but really we-" Dib stopped talking by look Zim giving him, and the low growling noise he was making.
Dib said as a slight demand. He then winced, Zim dug his claws deeper in Dibs arms.
Dib actually found it suprising he kinda liked the pain, but he didn't want Zim to know or he would end up with all kinds of scratches.
"I give in, so you can stop glaring at me and tell me want you want." Dib said fixing Zim with a glare as well.
Zim lifted his claws up and slowly dragged them till they reached Dibs shirt and gripping it to pull Dib closer again, and putting his face close to Dibs again.
"You want to know? Then I'll show you!" Zim said forcefully.
Dib was still confused before Zim started to kiss him again.
Zim placed his claw hands on Dibs chest and slowly ripping his shirt.
Dib felt the ropes loosen him guessing Zim cut one on accident. He decided not to move though, knowing something bad might happen if he does.
Dib had his eyes closed, though Zim did let him get some air every now and then his tounge still felt weird has it slithered down his throat.
Zim moved his hands down lower till they were close to his own legs, but he wanted the area that was between him.
Dib was distracted on what Zim was doing until he felt Zim touch the one spot he didn't want touched. He started to squirm, Zim grunted by Dibs sudden outburst of movement. Zim backed his head up separating from Dib, his tounge still hanging out of his mouth.
Zim placed his hands on Dibs arms again fermaly keeping them from moving.
"Wants your problem now!" Zim said demanding angrily. Dib huffed angrily then just leaned forward to place his head on Zims chest, which surprised him but he dared not to move.
"Zim, you dont want to do this. You have no Idea what means for us humans." Dib said sounding defeated.
"This explain to Zim.Give Zim a good and real reason why." He heard Dib huff, and relaxed more when Dib lifted his head up to look at him.
"Zim I- I like you... and all but you wouldn't understand what it really means. And if I did till you, you still would have no clue." Dib said breaking eye contact with Zim and looking at the floor. Zim took a minute to think.
"Your right about me not going to fully understand because I've never been in the heating and mating faze like other Irkens. But that's only becau-" Zim stopped on what he was saying after he realized he was leaking information of his own kind to a human.
"Eh, you heard nothing!" Zim said embarrassed.
Dib laughed.
"You Irkens go in heat!? Man that sucks!" While Dib was laughing Zim was getting flustered his face getting red.
"For you information Irken only go in heat once they chose another Irken to mix around with them. I dont know I didn't pay attention to those training classes." Zim said before covering his mouth and glaring downwards angrily.
Dib was looking at Zim fascinated by the new information before realizing what that all meant.
"Wait I don't count do I? I'm not Irken so you do continue it effect right?" Dib asked.
Zim shrugged.
"No Idea, but the answer is most definitely no it wont effect due to you being human." Zim answered proudly.
"Now will you let Zim continue? Or do I still need to use force?" Zim said his voice growing serious.
Dib grumbled for a moment and then sighed.
"Fine, but one condition." He requested.
"And that would be?" Zim asked.
"No more ripping my clothes. At least not my pants. Go ahead and rip the shit out of this shirt, it's old and you already have so it doesn't matter anymore." Dib said. His mind was already screaming for letting Zim get away with what ever he was about to do. Zim only smiled and nodded his head.
"Sure, I can do that." He said before slightly standing up and drag Dib so that he would fall on the floor and not be leaned up on a wall anymore.
"Oomph!" Dib said making that sound, by the sudden quick fall on his floor.
This made Dib feel a lot more nervous for he had no idea what Zim intended to do.
Zim seemed to notice Dibs nervousness, and he smiled before laying on top of Dib and kiss him. Dib blushed and closed his eyes as Zim keeped kissing him and placed one of his claw like hand on his pants again.
Zim could tell Dib was still on edge with this when he lifted up one of his legs shortly. Zim smiled mischievously, before he started to rub his claw like hands softly up and down on Dibs pants, seeing if this would do anything to make Dib more flustered.
Dibs face seemed to turn more pink as he gritted his teeth.
Zim separated from Dib and there little kissing distracting so he could strip off Dibs pants with out ripping them like he said not to.
Zim was able to easily pull them off and when he saw Dibs little space boxer underwear he could help but chuckle.
Din was already a mess, is face all pink and light red but he didn't dare look down to see what Zim would do. He either kept his eyes closed or angrily looked at floor and wall.
Zim started to touch Dibs boxers and that's when he finally got a good feel of his objective.
Zim took off the boxer, which he could tell by Dibs slight movement reaction that he didn't like that he did, but could do nothing to stop it.
Zim was happy that he kept quiet and didn't try and stop him anymore.
Zim poked and then carefully put Dibs penis in his claw like hand.
It was already kinda hardening by the resent rubbing and touching.
Its bigger then what I expected from the Dib human. Zim thought.
Dib only made a grunt like noise, once he felt Zim touch his penis, which made Zim smile more.
Zim leaned down, closer to Dibs penis and slid his tounge out of his mouth.
He licked it a few times before rapping his tounge around the penis and closing his mouth around it too.
Zim could tell it was getting harder by the second has he let his tounge stoke it.
He heard make a gasping sound, surprized by Zims actions.
Zim then started to bob his head up and down going faster every now and then, making sure his sharp teeth wouldn't at least cut and damage Dibs penis at this moment.
Zim saw Dib screw up his fist by his side. Unable to move his arms so Dib could only do that with his hands.
Zim slowly picked his head up, his tounge slowly unwrapping/slithering up Dibs penis to unconnect.
Zim could tell Dib seemed to relax for a moment thinking he was finished playing round.
But that was until Zim went by in and started to do it faster.
Dib was starting to huff, Zim couldn't tell if he was enjoying it or if he had been holding his breath.
"Z-ziiimmm!" Dib said in a low and out of breath voice.
Zim didn't stop, but was curious on what Dib wanted to say.
"Zim.... y-you need to s-stop." Dib said huffing. "I'm c-close and I'd rather no-" Dib got cut off by Zim placing his hands like claws on his sides and ripping his shirt more and accidentally cutting the rope more were Dib could actually freely move now but Dib did nothing.
As Zim keeped just bobbing his head on Dibs penis he felt it start to do something until he felt hot/warm liquid hit in his mouth. It surprised Zim at first, but it tasted quite good to him, unlike the nasty human food.
Zim swallowed the warm liquid and made sure he licked it all up before lifting up his head and breathing free from Dibs penis.
Din was huffing, his face really red of embarrassment. Zim didn't fully understand why, and he noticed Dibs penis was still kinda big.
Dib had his hands partially covering his face. Zim climbed back on top of him to lay on Dib, and to remove his hands off face.
"Why covering face? You agreed why are you acting like this?" Zim asked.
Dib glared angrily at Zim.
"How would you react if you were tired down and a human was sucking you Dick? Huh!?" Dib claimed.
"Eh-? Well..." Zim didn't really know what to say before smirking.
"How about I let you have some fun? I'll let you do what I did to you just now." Zim said proudly.
Before Zim could hear a answer from Dib or think of anything else to say Dib had pushed him up and had him on the ground now.
This made Zim blush, him liking what Dib just did for once.
"Oh so I get a turn?" Dib asked.
"I'll freely take this turn then." Dib claimed and slid off Zims leggings.
Zim made a small yelp noise.
And that's when Dib paused, and looked at Zim.
"You have two!? A Dick and a Vagina!?" Dib said in a surprise.
"Eh, well if you want Zim to be honest. I didn't even know if I had anything." Zim said in a slight shrug smiling, knowing if he did have nothing Dib couldn't have done anything really.
Dib raised a brow, that when Zim realized since he did Dib could do something!
"Eh.... heh heh" was all Zim could say.
Dib glared angrily at him.
"You thought you would walk free handed didn't you?" He asked taking hold of Zims hands and arms and holding the done on ground.
"Well not totally. Just... well yeah kinda. Thought maybe you would pass out and fall asleep and then I could just sneak away to my own house once I knew it was clear for me to do so without being notice without my disguise." Zim answered back.
"Well your not for one thing."
"What is a human like you going to do? Huh?" Zim started to laugh.
"I could easily just make you get off me anytime with my spider legs." He claimed.
"Then I better get started quick." Dib said before letting go of Zims arms and start to lick his alien dick.
The way Zims Dick and Vagina was angled the Penis was close to the other but was top and the Vagina was placed were a regular one would be placed.
"Ah!" Was the only sound Zim could make at first surprized by Dibs sudden movement. He bit is lower lip liking it some how.
Dib however took turns sucking and licking both of Zims Penis and Vagina.
Making sure one was wet and the other would be for payback of lot letting him go sooner.
Dib did notice that Dibs penis was longer and was more like a snakes like penis with black stripes circling it every few inches on it.
Zim was huffing by now, he didn't know why but he liked how Dib was doing him.
He then felt something different, he felt warmer that for some reason something was about to come out of his Penis that Dib was now sucking.
"Eh! Ah! Something!" Was all he could say before he felt warm liquid come out of him and into Dibs mouth.
Dib was surprised and caught off guard, and started to light cough. He pulled his head up from Zims Penis and covered his mouth from coughing. Dib noticed that some of the aliens liquid seemed to get on his own uniform or shirt how ever Zim wanted to call his outfit.
He also found it suprising that what he did manage to swallow and taste of Zim wasn't that bad.
Zim huffed and was breathing heavily, his face a light blue.
Zim volted when he felt Dib still going but with his other one.
"Eh! I thought we were done!?" Zim claimed. Dib either didn't hear him or ignored him cause he keeped clicking in Zims vagina making him all kinda of wet. Wish he didn't really need to do cause it was mostly wet already thanks to Zim.
Dib looked up at Zim finally and went over to hold him down again.
"Yeah were not finished."
Zim felt something poke him down there and slightly looked down to see Dibs one just hovering a little away from Zims other one.
"Eh... what are you planning next then?" Zim asked.
"Well if you'll allow me without scratching and angrily clawing me to death. I was thinking maybe I enter you." Dib answered.
Zim made a surprised face.
"E-enter!?" Zim stuttered.
"There more then just what we both just did?? You can enter somehow?!" Zim asked surprised.
"Well of course."
Zim thought about it for a moment.
"It or You wont hurt Zim will you?" He asked innocently.
"It might hurt at first, and if it still hurts you later on all you have to do and tell me and I'll stop." Dib replied back.
Zim nodded his head.
"Alright, fine Zim gives permission then." he said.
And just like that Dib angled and slowly pushed his penis into Zim.
Zim yelped and put his claw like hands into a fist. Dib stoped once he was in to let Zim get stable again.
Zim looked Dib in the eyes and nodded his head, signaling he was fine, his face blushed.
Dib pushed in further and slowly slid out and repeated.
Zim gasped and made a sound he never made before. And for some reason he liked the Dib-thing inside of him. Every time he pushed to go in it made Zim feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Zim had his mouth open breathing hard like a half tired panting dog.
"Could y-YEou!" Zim got cut off for a moment after Dib went a bit dipper in him. But then repeated himself.
"Could you go f-faster?" Zim said in huff's.
Dib was also breathing hard, guessing he wasn't used to all this exercise and movement of his lower body.
He only nodded his head and started to ram into Zim faster.
Zim did a cute like yelp, by this and was making a purr like vibration noise.
Zim enjoyed Dib raming into him harder and harder, it felt pleasant to him.
Zim realized it wasn't painfull but most enjoy full.
Dib had his teeth slightly gritted and was panting before saying to Zim.
"I'm about to pull out. B-be ready." Was all he could say.
Zim didn't show he heard over him huffing and all.
Din thrust hard into Zim one more time before pulling out and cumming all over Zim and his shirt.
Zim didn't seem to notice, he was out of it. Dib didn't know if he passed out or just has his eyes closed, either way he just shrugged put his own pants on then Zims and then picked Zim up carefully and layed him on his bed.
Dib took off Zims shirt and that made Zim come back to the world, but very weak.
"Hey... t-thatsssssss mine..." he said in a low voice as Dib took it off.
"Its uh- I dont think you want to wear this right now. I'm just going to put it in the washing machine to get it clean and give it back to you later. Alright? If you want you can wear one of my shirts." Dib said. Zim only nodded his head still kinda out of it.
"Are you alright?" Dib asked a bit concerned.
"Eh! What!? Oh. Yes Zim is excellent. Zim just needs a moment." He replied.
"Oh alright, well ima take a shower and put your shirt in the wash." Dib said turning to leave.
Zim did a slight hiss at the mention of water.
"You have fun with your earth downpour." Zim said sitting up and shoing Dib away with his hand.
Dib laughed, grabbed soem clothes and walked out of the room.

-literally one minute later-

"Zim is bored!!" He said with a sigh.
He extracted a microphone call thingy out of his pack to contact Gir.
"GIR! Come over to the Dibs house!" Zim commanded. "And bring me my disguise as well!" Zim then let it extract back into his pack and waited.
Not to long did he hear a knock from the down stairs and knew it was Gir, but before he got up from the bed he heard someone from the down stairs open the door, and told the person who knocked were to go upstairs. They came running up the stairs after he was instructed were to go, and ran into Dibs bed room to see Zim shirt less and on Dibs bed.
It was Gir non the less
"MASTER!! MARYS SISTER LET ME IN! ALSO!! I forgot your disguise SOOOOREEYYY!" Gir said innocently.
Zim sighed
"Its fine just this once Gir. Now help me find something to cover up with in Dib-stinks closet."
"OOOOOoooo!! ARE YOU TWO MARRIED!!" Gir asked excitedly.
"Wha! GIR NO!! Dont ever say or think that ever again. Dib just took my shirt because it got dirty or something." Zim said a little flustered.
"Aww ok." The little dog robot said sadly, but then went to Dibs closet and started to looked at the shirts.
"OOOO MASTER YOU SHIULD WEAR THIS ONE!!" Gir said excited. Zim walked over and grabbed it. It was one of Dibs old blue shirts with a ghost on it that he wore when he was twelve.
It looked like it would fit Zim just find because he only got a little bit taller but not heavier or anything.
Zim put the shirt on and was right, it fit perfectly.
"Good work Gir." Zim said and headed to Sit on the bed again. Gir smiled and followed and scrambled on the bed.

Not long after Dib came in his room again feeling clean from his shower.
"HIIIII MARY!!" Gir said waving his tiny dog arm at Dib.
Dib looked surprised at first befpr smiling and waving back at the little robot dog.
"Hey Gir, good to see you again." He said, befor looked at Zim and smirked.
"I see you found a shirt." Dib claimed.
Zim huffed.
"Gir picked it out." Zim said rather gloomy. Zim had his arms wrapped around his chest, one of his claw like hands tapping his arm.
"Eh..." Zim started to say.
"Yes?" Dib asked.
"Well, Zim was wondering when you could bring him back to his base again. It seems it has stoped raining finally but it is day time and Zim is without disguise." He asked.
"Oh! When ever your ready really." Dib said with a shrug.
"I can take you now, hide you in my coat again like I did Firday afternoon." Dib said.
Zim got up slowly from the bed and looked at Dib.
"Now, now is good." Zim said
"Alright let me get my coat on and then we can go." Dib said walking away heading for the down stairs were he left it on the coat rack for once. Zim followed called Gir to do this same.
By the time Zim and Gir were down stairs and in the living room Dib had his coat on and was ready to go.
"Alright tell me how you want to do this." Dib asked. Zim looked down at Gir then back at Dib.
"You carry me as you did before and Gir will just walk beside you." Zim said walking up to Dib.
"Alright then." Dim said and opened up his arms so Zim could go threw the same progress he had to go threw on that rainy Firday afternoon.
Once Zim was safely hidden and was comfortable Dib opend the door and was about to walk out with Gir, when Gir decided to do something different.
"MARY! CAN YOU CARRY LITTLE OL ME AS WELL!!" he said stretching up is tiny black robot dog arms.
Gaz who was on the couch playing video games snickerd, and Dib tured his head to do a quick glare before slightly  squatting down and stuck out his arm that was free from carrying Zim so Gir could climb up.
"Come on, then." Dib said with a smile on his face. Gaz could you shut the door for me?" Dib asked and didn't wait for a answer as he walked out the door once Gir but comfortable in Dibs arm, and started to walk toward Zims house.
The walk was quite and it seemed like no one was going to question Dib at all on what he was carrying in his coat and why he had Zims dog, so that was a good sign.

-at Zims base now-
Dib let Gir drop down so he could open the door, that was unlocked unsurprisingly.
"Alright Zim you can jump out now." Dib said once the door was open. Zim did and was clear from ever being exposed. He turned to Dib and did a slight smile and crossed his arms.
"Thank you I guess.." Zim said in a little moody way.
"Uh huh yeah no problem." Dib said and put his hands in his pockets.
"Once you shirt is clean I'll come back and give it to you as soon as I can." Dib said turning to leave.
"So I hope so." Zim said grimly.
As if there little moment in Dibs room was forgotten, Dib said his farewell and Zim just shut the door.
As Dib was almost him his saw a car infront of the house and Gaz waiting outside of it.
"Come one loser, go pack quickly. Dad called and wants us to help for his work or some shit." Dib nodded his head and quickly went to pack.
After he got all his things he locked up the house and got in the  back set of the car with Gaz . His stuff put safely in the trunk with Gaz's stuff, and they headed on toward there destination.

-Zims house-
"Ooooooo" Zim said making a low growning sound placing one hand on his head and the other on his stomach.

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