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lianne sat in bed, awaiting lucas's arrival.

in all honesty, she was pretty nervous. her and lucas had hardly ever fought in their lives and she hoped that he wasn't going to blame her for the things happening.

after a while of waiting, lucas finally entered the home and saw lianne sitting on the couch, watching random videos on her phone.

when she heard the door open, her eyes went to lucas and she gulped. his expression was unreadable and that made things ten times even more nerve wracking.

"what'd you wanna talk about?" lianne asked, breaking the silence.

"what's your deal?" lucas said and lianne furrowed her brows, confused.

"what do you mean?"

"i mean the way you're acting towards seunga." at those words, lianne's jaw dropped slightly, not believing her ears.

"you're joking, right?" lianne asked and lucas didn't move.

"are you not paying attention in the slightest to how she's acting? dude, she's literally flirting with mark and sometimes the others right in front of you!" lianne exclaimed, hoping to convince her brother but lucas stayed still.

"why cant you just.. be supportive of me and who i choose to be with? i was always supportive of you and mark so why can't you do the same for me?" lucas asked and lianne stared at him in disbelief.

"it's hard to be supportive when she's flirting with my boyfriend right in front of you!" lianne said and lucas rolled his eyes a bit.

"so it's only cause of mark?"

"no, it's not only cause of mark. this is about her. she isn't good for you, lucas. you deserve so much better. why are you turning a blind eye to what she's doing?" lianne asked and lucas once again stayed silent.

yukhei wasn't a big idiot, but he sure was acting like one an he knew it. he was well aware of how seunga was acting and how she's practically paying no attention to him but he wanted to keep trying. he really couldn't believe that he could lose someone that seemed to like him in a matter of seconds. it hurt his pride and he refused to accept that reality.

"you just wouldnt get it, lianne." lucas said, trying to avoid the reality of what he's doing.

lianne looked at her brother, hurt and confused with his actions and words.

"what wouldn't i get? she's flirting with the guys, especially mark, and you're acting like nothing is happening. isn't it obvious that she isn't appreciating you?" lianne tried to read lucas's expression but it was difficult to do so since all he did was stare.

"you don't know anything. you don't get it, you don't understand. just don't talk to her like that and don't let mark talk to her. like she said, it isn't flirting. she wants me. she asked for my number, she thought i was cute, she wanted to go on a date with me. i'm the one she wants, not mark!" lucas suddenly said, almost shouting the final sentence which obviously scared lianne. he hardly ever raised his voice at her.

"what the hell did she do to you.." lianne muttered.

"she didn't do shit, lianne. she likes me, not mark or any of the other boys. she just— wants you guys to be in a stable relationship and that's why she keeps commenting on it."

"well mark, yangyang, minhee and i have already told her to stop giving input when we know what we're doing." lianne said and noticed how lucas's lying tactics were starting to come into play. she knew he was lying now but he didn't want to admit anything to her.

"just stop being like that to her. be happy for me like you were with the other girls i've been with." lucas said and lianne stayed silent. she always wanted to support her brother throughout anything, but this wasn't right and she knew that he knew.

"i'd rather wait for you to open your eyes. i love you, yukhei, but i really don't get why you're acting so oblivious to all of this shit." lianne said and before he knew it, she went back up to her room.

as soon as she sat on her bed, she cried. she didn't want to ruin her relationship with lucas but he was allowing some girl do that. she didn't understand. it was so obvious that seunga was trying to interfere and steal mark from lianne and lianne knew that lucas understood that so why was he acting like nothing was going on? she couldn't tell why.

lucas stood in the living room, stress overtaking him. he felt so complicated and guilty but he was also so stubborn which he knew was causing all of this. he didn't want to accept the fact that a girl who liked him when they first met immediately went to liking another in a matter of seconds after seeing him. he couldn't accept it and with his stubbornness, he held on to the small glimmer of hope that seunga was still wanting him. it hurt his pride to know that someone could move onto another in a snap.

he knew he was being an idiot but he was stubborn as well. he was mad at himself for allowing this to happen but he didn't want to admit a defeat. he wanted to go into lianne's room and apologize but he didn't want to accept that seunga hopped to another guy so quick.

and so after battling with his thoughts and stubbornness, lucas went to his room and slept, hoping that he could feel better and that his dumb antics would go away as he slept.

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