"Wahe Guru thank you for one more birthday and I want lots of gifts" she giggled and ran to the ensuite.

"Hey you monkey" I said chasing her around the bathroom and holding my towel up with one hand.
"You don't demand gifts that way" I acted like pouting with my one hand on my hip. That always gets her and she came my way to cuddle my legs.

" I love you mumma" I tightened up my towel around me and lifted her up walking to the counter placed her on it.
"Mumma loves her princess too" I said giving her an eskimo kiss. We then did our morning routine knowing very well of her playful mood today and I am bound to get wet I left the towel on.


Walking downstairs with Kiara on my hip Doraemon in one of her hand and Olaf soft toy in her other hand. She kept telling how exited she is and so many balloons on her bed. Everyone was already seated on the dinning table as always. One thing I like about this family that no matter what they always have their breakfast and dinner together and family is everything for them.

"The birthday girl is here" I heard the squeals of Alex. "Take that suckers she has my doll in her hand."

"Language" He got a collective response form everyone.
Kiara was only giggling as he tickled her. The breakfast was set.

"Is that aloo paratha?" I asked shocked eyeing all the breakfast items. The look on their face clearly stated they didn't understand what I said.

"That's the stuffed bread you made once here" I got an answer not bothering who said it I went on to taste and damn it tasted good although not the original flavour. Mrs. Morelli came out with a small cake.

"Choci cake" Kiara said excitedly as she tried to wiggle her way down from Alex's hold.

"Slow down there monkey" Alex placed her on her high chair just where the cake was kept and started poking her finger in the cream licking off whatever cream she could scoop on her fingers.

"Hey cut first" I said lightly tapping on her hand that was digging inside the cake.

"She looks like a doll" I heard Vince say followed by a snap of the camera. I dressed her up with a pink dress and a cute hairband that I got in the vast closet.

Everyone sang for her as she struggled to cut the cake. It was cute and I couldn't help smiling at her efforts after which I helped her cut it only for many MnM's to flow out of the centre. Kiara squealed with excitement as she swatted everyone's hand out of the way that came to take her chocolates as she claimed them.

"Mumma says food first and then chocolate" she said with a huff to everyone and quietly snuck a red one into her mouth thinking I didn't notice her do it.

"You too missy" this caused everybody around the table to laugh. I kept the cake away from her reach as everyone sat back to eat.
The entire morning, evening half went well today we went to a nearby orphanage and my princess enjoyed with the kids there as she gave them cupcakes and chocolates. Vince was already with us in the morning but Alex and Adrian joined us at the children's theme park. Along with Kiara it was my first time too. We enjoyed rides but my heart broke when she cried uncontrollably when she saw the clowns only to realise she was afraid of them. Hopefully this fear goes away soon. But only to be on the safer side a note for me to avoid clowns. Vince dismissed all of them only then did she stop crying seeing them no more there. Other than that it was all ok but after that she refused to get down of Vince's hold. She was so attached to all of them in such a short period of time specially Vince calling him dada at times. Neither did I have the heart to tell her the truth nor did Vince ever correct her infact his smile only brightened every time she called him that. She missed her nap so I was damn sure she would be asleep by the time we got home. But not a wink. She was as energetic as ever.

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