Jesus we're blind!

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been soooo long since the last story but I'm in the middle of exams and my mental health hasn't been great but I've finally written something. I hope you enjoy it.

"Lily! Lily Evans!"

"Would you shut up, Potter?" Lily whisper-shouted from across the room, eyeing James angrily.

"Sorry, sorry," James replied somewhat insincerely, sliding into the seat opposite the frustrated redhead. "I need your help."

"What's new?" Lily retorted, with a hint of badly concealed excitement. "What awful scheme have you cooked up to destroy the school this time?"

"I am offended, I would never try to destroy the school!"

"You did, like... yesterday."

"Irrelevant. I have a different kind of scheme."

"Oh no."

"Ok i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." James said, getting more comfortable in his seat, apparently settling in for a long conversation (something Lily didn't like). "So we both know Remus and Sirius would be perfect for eachother..." simultaneously they both turned their heads to look at where Remus and Sirius were sitting suspiciously close on the sofa. Lily nodded and James continued, "so we're gonna get them together." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Ok fine" Lily was really trying very hard to look annoyed at James but was failing miserably, clearly excited at the idea, "Where do we start?"

"I have a few ideas..." (James then proceeded to recite 50 ideas he'd memorised by heart.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey look."

"Huh?" Sirius grunted, breaking out of his trance."

"Over there, Lily and James are talking and she hasn't punched him in the face." Remus said, pointing to, surprisingly, where Lily and James were talking and she hadn't punched him in the face.

"Who'd've thought?"

"They're definitely going to end up together."

"Definitely. Maybe one day they'll be as cute as you and me." Sirius smirked ruffling Remus' hair.

"Oh fuck off." Remus responded, grinning.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ok, plan A is a go, remember..." James started at breakfast the next morning, but stopped short as Remus walked into the hall and took a seat at the table. He returned to eating his porridge, trying and failing not to look suspicious, Lily did the same, succeeding at not looking suspicious.

"Morning guys."

"Morning Moony" james replied

"You alright James? You look a little off... oh wait I know, Lily must have said one word to you."

"Oh shut it, I'm fine" James said a little unconvincingly, James would also like the record to show she had said way more than one word to him thank you very much.

The rest of the went on as normal until just after lessons had finished for the day. Remus and Sirius were just walking along the corridor, but despite having walked that same route 1000 times they took a wrong turn, which had nothing to do with Lily's charm work. They soon found themselves in an abandoned room and just as they stepped inside the door clicked shut behind them.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Sirius groaned."Alohomora. What?! Why isn't it working?!"

"Calm down, I'm sure it's nothing, alohomora. Hm, that's strange." The boys tried all the unlocking spells they knew but none of them seemed to work (and yes, they checked it was actually locked).

Wolfstar OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora