I'm Scared

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This is the first thing I've published and I'm really proud of it I think it's pretty good and I'm sure you'll have fun reading it. There's a bit of fluff and a bit of angst so enjoy...

"Sshhhhh, less talking more sleeping" sirius murmured, burying his face further into his boyfriend's chest. "Ok, alright" Remus replied, smiling down at the boy laying on him, switching off the lamp and going to sleep. 

'HA, I knew it!,' came a loud voice from the door. The two boys immediately jumped up and moved further away from each other

'Wait wait we can explain', 'yeah it's not what it looks like!' said the two panicked voices scrambling for an explanation

Lily switched on the light and walked further into the room, she was smiling which confused them as they had always thought their friends would hate them if they found out. "Why are you smiling?' asked a shaken Remus.

"Because", replied the red-headed girl the smile growing larger, "James owes me 3 galleons" 

"So you're not mad?"

"No, why would I be, plus we've been waiting for you two to get together since third year.

"Wait why were you up here anyway," commented remus now recovering from the original shock,

"Oh, i was looking for james but now i have two reasons to look for him," giggled the girl

"Wait", said Sirius, putting his hand out, panic clearly visible on his face, Lily turned back around to face him and listened as he spoke. "Could you maybe not tell James" the black haired boy stood shifting his weight from foot to foot waiting for a response.

"But my 3 galleons..." she whined clearly joking, but she stopped once she saw the look of utter fear on his face, "of course no problem" she said feeling awkward after her insensitive comment. She wasn't sure what to do first so she hurriedly moved towards the worried boy and gave him a quick hug, before nodding in the direction of Remus and then rushing out of the room.

Truthfully remus felt hurt by his boyfriend's reaction to someone finding out, he didn't know Sirius was that ashamed. He knew that he wanted to keep their relationship  secret in fear of the backlash they would face, but he still hated the thought of Sirius being ashamed of being seen with him. He choked down sobs and blinked back tears he didn't think he should be feeling, and turned towards Sirius, "uhh.... I've got to go" he didn't wait for an answer before almost running out of there, in his opinion he couldn't get out of there quick enough. He needed somewhere alone to let out his emotions and right now gryffindor tower was the worst possible place.

Now Sirius was alone, he slid to the floor silent tears rolling down his face, he hoped, prayed that no one walked in, no one could see him in this state. He had seen the look of absolute pain that echoed in Remus' eyes when Sirius reacted like that and the way the boy repressed sobs as he left the room. He had never meant to hurt Remus like that never in a million years, but the more people that knew the more likely his father was to find out, he shuddered at the thought of what that meant, his parents treated him bad enough as it was. The truth was he loved remus so much, so much his heart could burst and he wanted nothing more than to scream it from the rooftops but... he couldn't

"Come on black pull yourself together" he thought and went to dry his tears with his sleeve but when he noticed he was wearing Remus' jumper he couldn't stop the overflow of tears as they streamed down his face who'd have ever thought this previously perfect day could turn out so horribly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lily was confused; she hadn't tried to upset Sirius; she wondered what she said that could have made him react like that, but quite frankly she didn't want to think about it. She decided the best course of action was to get to bed as quickly as possible. Focused on the previous events and getting to her dorm she didn't notice James walking towards her.

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