Chapter 39: The Carters

Start from the beginning

"No, I am sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, no I just caught in the moment!" He said clearing his throat, "I just, I don't know why this keeps happening to me" He chuckled "Every time I fall for someone, they end up being in love with someone else or being a leader of a terrorist organization."


"No, I am kidding. Um, I- I'm gonna go."

"Can we?"

"Yeah, I already forgot, don't worry about it" He said before heading into the compound. You wait a few minutes before going in yourself. 

You enter the compound to see Nat and Pepper sitting at the dinner table talking about something. "Hey guy!" You greet them, "Can I borrow Nat for a second?" You turn to Pepper, who gave you a smile and gestured you take her. 

You pull Nat into the hallway leading out of the kitchen, "Where is that Bitch?" You tone changed from jolly and cheerful to angry and pissed off. 

"You gonna have to be a bit more specific than that, you know how many people I consider a bitch." She smiled

"Sharon, where is Sharon?" You said backing nat to the wall. 

"Why? What are you planning to do to her?"

"I need to see her, to rip her apart. Is that enough information or do I need to give you the details" You voice grew angrier. 

"All right, I don't know what happened out there, but you need to calm down okay?" She stepped up.

"I am not going to calm down, she is the reason why Steve is not himself anymore, he blames himself for everything that happened. I can't see him like this. So Natasha I am asking you once again where is that bitch?"

"I will tell you where she is, but with one condition" She waited until you backed off her and agreed, "Aight, what?"

"I come with you. I can't have a dead body in here, plus if Tony finds out that you went to see her by yourself, he will serve my head for dinner. So Y/N Odindottir, do you wanna see her or not?" She smirks, Nat and her conditions. You bit your bottom lip, debating, but agree with her condition. 

She went back to Pepper, telling her that something important came up and she will see her later. 

Nat drives you to New Jersey to the training camp you trained at in the 40s. "Wait why are we here?" You asked her as you stepped out, looking around at the worn-down buildings and grounds you used to run in and out of. 

"You know this place?" She asked as she locked the car and walked to open the gates.

"Yeah, Steve and I used to train here" You followed her into the ghosted area. 

"Wait you were in the army?" She looked back at you before entering the password on the keypad. 

"Yeah! How do you think I went on all those mission?"

"I just thought you were there as like a nurse or something. I didn't know you actually fought." She said as you guys walked into the elevator. 

"Nurse? Nah babe, I was fighting, front line. One of the only women capable to fight with the men" You chucked thinking back to those days. "Who I should say weren't as manly as they were said to be. Peggy and I would see some of them be too scared to even hold a gun, let alone shoot it." 

"Peggy? Like Peggy Carter?" Nat asked as you guys stepped out of the elevator. 

"Yeah, she was the only other girl there who wasn't trying to stick their tongue down Steve's throat, although she did have a crush on him." You laughed as you followed Nat through the dimly lit hallways. 

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now