8| Rosalie Martin

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A/N:- The picture above ^ is of the girl whom Joe was talking about in the previous chapter. This is how I imagine her to be, but feel free to imagine her as your own will if you don't like this pic .
Sorry for interrupting. You may continue below 🔻

Frank's POV:-

I don't know what stirred inside me but when I saw the man trying to touch Nancy, I lost my temper and grabbed his collar, punching him repeatedly. I thought it was just because she was like a younger sister and a friend to me (which my mind is still hesitant to accept for I don't know which reasons)

When Nancy embraced me, I was feeling giddy, but for what? The answer is still unknown to me. I felt the urge to protect her, to care for her, to love-

No, no. Scratch that. I never said that.

But is it possible? Was Joe right all this time? Was I really in love with Nancy? After all, we have known each other for a long time, since we were five. But do i-

" Frank, Nancy! What are you guys doing there? " Joe interrupted my chain of thoughts. I snapped out of my daydreaming and noticed Nancy and I were staring at each other's eyes this entire time. Nancy blinked a few times and I could see heat rushing to her cheeks. I chuckled at her expression and saw Joe standing with that girl Nancy was talking about.

"Sorry, we.... zoned out. " Nancy said, while from the corner of my eyes, I noticed Joe smirking at Nancy, who glared at him. " Hello, I'm Nancy Drew. This is my..... friend Frank Hardy and I'm sure you've met his brother, Joe. " Nancy introduced us to the girl. She was indeed beautiful, but not as beautiful as my Nance.

At last you agree it, brother. My subconsciousness suddenly invaded my thoughts.

Why can't I punch my subconsciousness? It is so.... Irritating, annoying, idiotic, an absolute dimwit, dumbhead, stupid and-

" Yes, I've heard a lot about you guys. After all, you're all the most famous teen detectives! I'm Rosalie Carter. Nice to meet you guys. " She said with a tinge of...... Spanish accent? I was thinking of asking her about it, but came up with zero ideas to ask it. Thankfully, Nancy asked on our behalf .

" Umm don't mind me asking, are you from Spain? " The girl looked taken aback, then smiled and said " How do you know? No, I'm not from Spain, but my mother was. She married my dad, who was from NYC. So you see, I have a Spanish accent. "

"¡Oh, eso es genial! Verás, los tres tuvimos que aprender español para uno de nuestros casos, así que todavía lo recordamos. " Nancy said in Spanish while smirking.

(Trans: "Oh, thats great! You see, the three of us had to learn Spanish for one of our cases, so we still remember it. " )

We all burst out laughing at that. After a few more chit chats, we parted but only after promising to meet at the dining hall. While we went to our cabins, I noticed Nancy's one was just opposite ours. Joe went inside grinning like a maniac at once and began jumping on the bed like an idiot.

Nancy and I stood outside just staring into each other's eyes, with smiles on our faces. The awkward silence was broken by Nancy. " Umm... Thanks for saving me back there. " She said to which I shrugged, " Don't worry. It was nothing. After all, we are friends. And friends are meant to protect each other. "

I noticed her face fell when I said the word 'friend'. To tell the truth, I was confused. Were we just friends? Do friends have this awkward tension between them in the air? Do friends smile at each other the way we do? Do friends stare at each other's eyes having not a care what happens around them like we do? Do friends have this fluterring of the heart when they hold each other's hands or spend some time together, like I do?

" You're still gonna admit you don't like her? " Joe's annoying face popped at my side. And that's when I realised it's been ten minutes Nancy went inside her cabin, and I was staring at her cabin door with a distant smile on my face. I sighed.

" No, I'm gonna admit I like her.... A lot, to tell the truth. But what if she doesn't like me back? What if she thinks me as just a friend? " I asked to Joe, who shook his head and muttered under his breath " You both are so blind of your unbearable attraction towards each other " and went inside our cabin, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Unknown POV:-

Holy Cricket! The plane's late by fifteen minutes. Oh my God! They're gonna catch me. Come fast, you filthy little brat! They're gonna snatch it away from me. What am I gonna do? Oh! What am I gonna do now? I have nowhere to hide it to. I guess it's safe in my backpack. But if the plane dosn't come fast, i'm gonna loose all hopes. All treasure. No, that can't happen.

Just then, the airplane came into view. Thanks heavens! I rush inside the plane and sit down. Phew! Only a few hours, and the I'll be in that cruise. Anything to get away from them!

I just wish they don't find me. Not now, not ever.

A/N:- Hello everyone! Hope y'll are doing good. Another chapter down.
OMG! Frank likes Nancy too! Do you think he'll be able to confess to Nancy before it's too late? Before someone else beats him to it? Before Nancy looses her interest on him? 🤔🤔
Let's just hope they get together. And what do you think of Rosalie?
Any ideas on who the unknown person is? What is she/he trying to hide from 'them? ' And who is 'them? '
See ya in the next chapter! Till then, show your love, vote and comment.

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