Chapter 4: Change

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Aurora took a deep breath and crawled out of bed, took another deep breath before she headed to the living area.... she saw venom legs crossed sitting on the floor examining a ceramic bowl she had on the coffee table.
Aurora: Venom?..... Why did you call me your mate?
Venoms shifted his position to face her now at about eye level with her and only about 3 feet away

Venom: My species imprint or connect to a mate when they find one.... only the males do, it's up to the female's whether they return the mutual feelings or not .... Sometimes more than one male connects so it usually ends in a fight to the death where only the strongest survive.

Aurora took a couple steps closer closing the distance to about 2 feet

Aurora: ok ,why me?.... i'm human... im weak... as you've seen we bleed, bones break easily, kind of chicken shits really there has to be a mistake.

Venom: you're different..... and there is no mistake when a male makes a connection, it is... absolute...... if you do not want me then that is fine.... but I will protect you because I can not help my connection to you.

Aurora: But wouldn't you miss your own kind? I mean quite frankly humans suck.... you have to put a warning label to not eat laundry detergent.... How much dumber can you get?.... they can be mean heartless and selfish.... I used to say I wouldn't blame an alien race if they descended upon us and wiped us all out. We dont have survival of the fittest/ smartest here but we probably should, considering how many people live on this planet and the amount of horrible people there are...... I mean, would you really want to be around someone who isn't going to return the same "feelings" as you.... wouldn't that be torcher?

Venom: it would be too late for me... the connection was made it can not be broken.

Aurora gaze saddened as she looked at venom she now felt upset at herself for feeling like she pushed venom to a spot he shouldn't be in. She knelt down and crossed her legs mirroring the way venom was sitting in front of her "im sorry venom...... It's my fault curiosity got the best of me.... I never thought.... I mean I didn't mean to ... put you in a position where you made this sort of connection to me."

Venom: the fault was not yours..... The moment I saw you the connection was made... a decision that is made from within that we have no control over.

Aurora: won't staying near me make it worse..... this bond you have to me?

Venom: yes, but instinct will pull me to you no matter what you do.

Aurora stared at Venom's opal colored eyes " I guess.... I guess you don't look too terrifying when your sitting on the ground like a 5 year old school girl"
Venom gave Aurora a small side smirk exposing a little more of his teeth.

Aurora: Venom?.... Can you hold your hand out like this for me?

Aurora motioned for him to hold his hand out palm facing up.... Venom tilted his head to give her a slightly confused look before holding his hand out..... Aurora slid closer, her bare legs brushing on Venom's right knee. She gently placed her hand that was now dwarfed compared to his, and she began examining its characteristics.

Aurora: That's crazy the lines are identical to the way humans are except your nails grow like freakin claws.

Aurora ran her hand long his fingers as she looked at the sharp talon like nails at the ends of his fingers. Venom retracted his claws as Aurora held onto his fingers, she jumped.....

Aurora: wow you can pull them back?? That's cool.

Venom: it's so our species does not injure each other during mating rituals.

Auror gave a slight awkward nod as she then got up and went to Venom's side... she reluctantly went to reach for his face stopping about halfway.

Aurora: Is it ok... ok if i do Venom?

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