Chapter 1: A Dark Evening

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Everyday has not been a normal day for a while. Ever since the death of Bruce Wayne, Gotham City has never been the same. The Bat hasn't been seen for ages, and some people are starting to think it was a coincidence that the same time Bruce Wayne died, Batman disappeared. Truth is... the bat family never discussed who will be taking the mantle of the Bat. No doubt, they all agree that the city needs Batman. Without Batman... there is no hope for Gotham.

It's only been a month since his passing, Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown decided to look into his murder. They haven't found anything that could lead them to the potential killer. Alfred on the other hand hasn't been himself lately. Bruce was like a son to him. There was also someone in the family who could possibly be hurting more than him; Bruce's son, Damian Wayne. His relationship with his father was just starting to get better. The world felt unbalanced without him.

Damian would still continue his days as Robin, just like his father would've wanted. His actions as Robin is something his father wouldn't have agreed with. With all this pain he's carrying, it's turned him more aggressive towards street criminals, thugs, and all of the above. Alfred has scolded Damian once or twice about it but Damian never listened. He went about his day.

Dick Grayson would stay with the Titans in San Francisco. He would visit Bludhaven with his fiancè, Kori (Starfire). The two have a child name Mar'i who is currently 3 going on 4 years old. He was devastated when he first heard about Bruce's death but he moved on pretty quickly. He didn't want to become the next Batman after him trying for years to get out of Bruce's shadows

Red Hood broke off from the Batfamily completely. It's safe to say, the Bat Family was divided and not even Alfred can bring them together without arguing, not only for a second. It was chaotic and Alfred wished Bruce could be here one last time to set all of them straight.

It's a dark evening in Gotham City. They were still mourning the loss of Bruce Wayne. That didn't stop criminals from doing what they do best. All they knew is that the Bat disappeared and that's all they care about. Robin had been patrolling the streets, leaving criminals hospitalized for months. Barbara Gordon was in comms with Damian.

The Boy Wonder stood on a gargoyle, looking down on the city. The wind picking up his cape, causing it to blow through the wind . He stood up on the gargoyle and lightning struck behind him. Like father like son. "What are you doing D?" Barbara asked through comms.

"Thinking what it would be like if he was still here." He replies. "Criminals are all scums who think they can do whatever the hell want when they see there's no Batman to kick their asses." A sigh was heard on the other end, "D, you need to calm down. You're getting too emotional when you take down these criminals." Damian scoffed, "They're lucky they aren't dead."

Barbara sighed until an alert popped up, "The night isn't over. There's just been an reported robbery downtown Gotham." The Boy Wonder huffed, "I'll get it over with. Robin out." He leaps off the the gargoyle, gliding down to a rooftop. He would have to get to the scene quick.

Soon enough the Boy Wonder got to the scene. "Oracle... talk to me," he says. "There was a report of 5 men entering the bank but none of them came out. You should be cautious-" Barbara paused as Damian spoke over her, "I'm always cautious."

Robin slowly entered the bank, taking a look around the bank. The alarm was still going off but the 5 men were all on the ground unconscious. He heard footsteps coming so he grappled to a pinpoint above. He saw a small, feminine figure that was dressed in all black carrying a duffel bag. She looked quite young. Why the hell would she be robbing a bank? He thought.

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