Regulus set his book down and ran to her side. He scrunched his nose up, as she picked him up. He hated being robbed of his independence. She snuggled him close and wrapped the cloaks around them.

They quickly aparrated to the Malfoy's yard. Seres checked to make sure her son was okay, he was smiling a bit. He enjoyed this quick travel.

She walked to the door and gave it a swift knock.

Draco was the one to answer. Anything to get away from his parents and that man.

"Seres!" He exclaimed, actually hugging her. His face turned puzzled for a moment.

"Hello Draco, I take it my father is home."

"Yeah, he's in the other room."

"Is there a place I could speak with him alone?"

"Sure, I will take you to the library."

The two walked for a moment, "So how are you holding up? Seres questioned.

"As well as I can. My girlfriend is being terrorized at Hogwarts."

"Astoria?" Seres asked, making sure of her name.

"Yes, that's the one."

"She seems like a nice person." Seres commented.

"The love of my life at the moment." Draco exclaimed, perking up a tad. He then looked back at her. "So, whose the father?"

"Somebody you actually know."

Draco thought a moment, his expression changing. He had heard that Potter was at Grimmauld Place. And he knew his cousin lived there.

"You didn't..."

"He's a good person, and honestly we have a lot in common."

"I won't argue that, but your father?"

"He doesn't need to know who the father is. I just want for him to meet his grandson. Think you could make sure to keep quiet?"

"Promise." Draco agreed. He walked her into the library, "I will let him know you are here."

Seres walked around the library, looking through the books. She pulled a few off the shelves. Her son would enjoy them.

She heard the door open and close again. Seres turned to see her father. He actually looked happy to see her.


"Father." She replied, as she smiled a bit. "I brought somebody to meet you." She told him.

Voldemort stood, looking puzzled. He didn't see anybody.

Seres moved the cloak, and sat Regulus down. Voldemort smiled a bit, as he looked down as the child walked to him.

"I have a grandson." Voldemort commented. "And a rather curious one at that."


"How old is he?"

"Almost 4 months."

Voldemort looked in disbelief. "Miraculous, he does honor to the bloodline."

"He truly does, though it might be your horcrux influencing him."

"He's a horcrux?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, came from me I think. If it hadn't attached to him, he would probably be dead."

Voldemort thought a moment, focusing on the child. "You're right."

"Though, he is also a werewolf...."

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