Turn 4: Duel Exam! Gladiator's Arena!

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I was sleeping peacefully until I feel someone is shaking me. Peeking an eye open, it was Alexis already in her uniform.

Y/n: "What is it Alexis...?" I answered groggily, still don't want to wake up yet.

Alexis: "Come on, wake up! Yesterday, you asked me to wake you up whenever I got up remember? Beside, we have a written exam this morning so wake up and get ready."

I then look at the clock, to see it was 6:30 AM. I sighed before sitting up from the bed, facing her while she had a smirk on her face.

Y/n: "I hate you..." I mumble quietly as she chuckles, "Aww, I like you too. Now go get ready."

I nod as I get out of bed, taking my uniform then head to the bathhouse. After I did all my morning routines, I head out with Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy. We already had breakfast before headed to the written exam room. After we got to our seat and settled down, Professor Banner starts the exam, which was rather easy to be honest. As 30 minutes passed, I almost finished my sheet when suddenly I hear Jaden's voice.

Jaden: "Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! There's no point in studying to the bone just to doze off, you jerk!" as he talks to Syrus. Princeton then slams his hands on the table angrily as he stands up.

Princeton: "You're being a pest, Slifer Red! Shut your trap! If you don't plan on taking the test, then beat it!"

Jaden: "Quit joking around! I came all this way! You think I'm just gonna go back?!"

Prof. Banner: "Jaden Yuki, come down here and get a testing sheet-nya. There's not much time left-nya­."

Jaden: "Yes, sir!!" I sigh and shake my head, "How could you have such considerable skills yet so ignorant with texts like that Jaden?" I then turn back to my sheet and finish it off. After a while, they announce that the written exam has ended. The students then began to flood out of the classroom and start rushing to the store. I was leaning against the wall of the exam room in order to avoid that chaos. After everyone had left, I see Bastion trying to wake Syrus and Jaden up. I then walk up to them.

Syrus: "Huh? Where is everyone?"

Jaden: "Is it lunchtime already?"

Y/n: "They're at the store." as the three males notice me, "There's a large quantity of brand new rare cards will be arriving today."

Syrus: "H-Huh!? A large shipment of cards!?"

Bastion: "Yeah. Everyone went there to buy some, trying to reinforce their Decks further for the practical skills test this afternoon."

Syrus: "B-but what about you guys, Bastion? Y/n?"

Y/n: "As my deck as it is. I don't need any improvement right now."

Bastion: "I'm confident in my deck as it is. I don't need any new cards."

Syrus: "What about you Jaden?"

Jaden: "I'm... really interested!" as his face lights up in delight, "I've just gotta see what kind of cards they've got!"

Y/n: "If that's the case, you might want to be hurry. Everyone had already left for a while now."

Jaden: "Eh?! Let's go, Sy!" as the said male nods and follows Jaden. A light chuckle escapes my lips.

Y/n: "Honestly... what a weird guy..."

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