Prologue - Do a backflip!

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When I woke up, the sun was beating down on my face. The thick, sticky air causing a layer of slime on my skin. I thought it'd be a perfect day for a hike, and with the sun high in the sky I set out on my next adventure. Cut to now, about 1 hour later, gritty mud is all the way up to my knees and my hair is plastered to my face. It's raining cats and dogs, and I feel as if I'm doing more swimming than walking. The sky was completely clear, then suddenly the clouds rolled in and a storm broke.

My legs are on fire. I have walked at least 3 miles, my goal for today was to trek all the way up Mt. Ebott. I'm maybe half way there. So far, this day has been shitty. I just want to curl up in my bed, in my warm heated apartment with a cup of hot coco. I peer around, hair poking in my eyes. I need to find somewhere to get out of the rain. In the very corner of my eye I spy a small cave in the cliff side.

I crawl into the damp hollow, my palms scraping against the hard rock. I can feel my jeans snagging on the jagged edges. I can't even see my hands infront of my face. I inch deeper and deeper into the tunnel, trying to find a dry spot in the shaft. My eyes snap open, and before I know it I'm tumbling head first into a cavern. The wind wiping through my hair, and all I can think is that I've walked straight into my own grave. I think back on my family. If I lived with my parents, they would've told me to stay home. They would've checked the weather before I left and warned me. We would've had a hearty soup for lunch, perfect for a day like this. They would've tucked me into bed for the night and kissed me on the forehead. Just kidding, fuck them. My last day at home consisted of them throwing cigarettes at me and sneering in my face. The day I came out as gay was the last day I was allowed to be their son.

I'm tumbling and spinning, and a fleeting thought enters my mind. Did I just do a backflip? Does accidently flipping as I fall to death count as a backflip? Before I know it I slam into the ground. I feel a brief bit of pain before it all goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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