1-the deal

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Kajal's POV:

I grab my tennis racket. It's a week till school starts, my first day of Senior year. It also been a month and a half since I last saw Paris. Her face is everywhere. I am filled with regret since the party, I should have stayed with her. I've spoken to Ashton ,initially I thought that maybe he had something to do with her disappearance-after many investigations on everybody at the party, including camera footage showing Paris leaving the house at 1:30 am alone, it is a mystery what happened to her. Once my parents realized I snuck out that night they've been breathing down my neck.

Paris was my only friend and I've been worried and lonely without her. I've spoken to her family, she has three older sisters and a younger brother. I am watching her dog, Rome for her. She named him after a city, just like her. Rome seems to be the only comfort I have these days. Putting on a confident expression I head out the door only to see a blue dress on the couch.
"What is this?" I ask Ms Lila.
Ms Lila came in at that moment,

" Kajal, your dad is inviting a few business partners tonight for a formal dinner and that- giving a pointed look to the dress- is what you'll be wearing."

Annoyed I head out, I'm not ungrateful it's just that my parents never tell me what's going on, not that I tell them much of what's going on in my life.
"Your father also told me to let you know that he needs the draft of the expansion bill on his table."
My father is the CEO of a luxury gardening company, and I became an intern this summer for him. Which meant he thought he could boss me around in every aspect of my life. He was trying to work with a renovation company to get more costumers.
Annoyed I got into my Mercedes and drove to the tennis courts.

Aspens POV-
I stare at the man sitting in front of me.
How did I get here?
"So will you take the deal?" The man asks
"Yes" I reply.

I am now a secret body guard. Which means she can't know, it's absurd. I am to attend a high school and make sure no harm comes to her. I stare at the picture the man gave of her, she's beautiful, with her big brown eyes and thick hair. Apparently her parents found out she had sneaked out to party one time and something happened that night; it was a touchy subject that I chose to not mention. I unlock the door to my apartment and smell some smoke.
" Nothing..." she responds cheerfully.
My sister has a mischievous look on her face.
Rolling my eyes I say,"What did you try to make?"
"I was just trying to make dinner, you can't be mad."
I wasn't, she was just trying to help out anyways I convince myself. Aria starts her freshmen year tomorrow, at the local high school. Last time I went to that school mom was still alive. But our aunt does a good job of taking care of us.
"It's moms birthday so I baked her a cake-even though she's not here." Aria said.
I don't understand how she is able to think fondly of that woman, all I remember is a woman who spent the money she should've used on paying rent for drugs. We didn't have a dad, Aria was technically my half sister but her dad was abusive to my mom for the three months I knew him. She never met her dad just like I never met mine. Our aunt works late so we eat dinner together tonight. We eat the food she prepared and talk about our day.

Dhruv's POV-
"Have a good year Dhruv!"
I grin at the sight of my teammates who I won't see since they go to public school. I get a slap on my back and turn to see who,  Troy laughs.

"Last day of summer camp, next week we're playing at Monroe."

"Heck yeah Senior year football!"

I was am the captain of the football team this year. I open the door to my Tesla I got last week.
"Troy your not getting in the car smelling like that." I say.

Chuckling he says, "I'll just have to come over later for you to give me a ride."

"Wish you could, but we're having dinner with a family business partner. "

"Shit really? I guess you'll be driving me to school."
Laughing I pull out of the parking lot and almost run into a girl heading to the tennis courts.

Angrily she yells," Watch where your going dumbass!!"
Damn why is she so triggered? I flick her off as I leave the parking lot.
Annoyed was she runs off her ponytail bobbing in the distance.
She reminds me of someone.
Irritated I drive home to get some work done before I have to leave for another stupid business dinner.

Let me know your thoughts I am open to suggestions!

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