GATE: Thus the National Protection Army fought there

Start from the beginning

The two masked guards dragged the officer out of the room, kicking and screaming for mercy. What followed was loud barking and screams of pain. The others covered their ears and looked away in terror, while Long Yun looked out the window with a smile on his face. Then another officer stepped up with another plan which was obviously a suicide attack.

Officer Tang: We should take all our artillery and bombard the enemy lines, while all infantry charge straight to their lines. Our numerical superiority combined with artillery fire will overwhelm the enemy...

Long Yun slowly turned his head towards Tang with a grin, for what seemed like an eternity. Tang violently shook in fear and couldn't keep calm. The only thing keeping him from living another day to death was Long Yun.

Long Yun: Yes, yes, let's go with that.

Tang sighed a breath of relief, but deep inside, he knew he sent thousands, maybe millions more to certain death.

**Graphic content end**

Just thinking about it still terrorizes me even though Long Yun is dead and buried in Kunming.


Taishan District, Nanjing

NPA soldier 1: What the hell is that building? It was never here before.

NPA soldier 2: Is that an army? Alert General Sun! We need troops here immediately!

Everyone scrambled into defensive positions and loaded their Type 65 carbines*. A Chinese Type 5 Chi-Ri tank stationed itself behind sandbags. Machine gun crews load a fresh ammunition box ready to fire a hail of lead.

 Machine gun crews load a fresh ammunition box ready to fire a hail of lead

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(A/N: This weapon is NOT from the TNO mod, nor is it canonical. I drew this myself, and cannot help but think I ripped off the AK-47 and made a cursed AK-47/Type 63 Hybrid. The Chinese words on the back read "Hanyang Arsenal")

NPA Lieutenant: Fire in short burst! We can't let Nanjing be taken again or we will all betray Long Yun's spirit.

Shots were fired, the unknown army dropped like flies. Chi-Ri tanks loaded and fired High Explosive rounds for effect. A Mitsubishi KI-269 helicopter flew above raining down fire with its Type 92 machine gun and Type 12 High-Explosive missiles.

NPA pilot: What is that, a dragon? Ahh shit, it's going straight for the rotor!

A dragon flew straight into the helicopter rotor, shredded itself, and caused the helicopter to spiral out of control. More dragons followed behind striking fear to the defenders.

NPA pilot: Fuck, we're going down! Brace for impact!

The KI-269 crashed landed on a Chi-Ri, engulfing both in flames, and exploded, killing a few soldiers and a nearby machine gun crew.

NPA Lieutenant: Our only tank is lost. Where are our reinforcements? We can't hold the line much longer!

NPA radioman: They're coming, they just crossed the Yangtze River, General Sun told us to keep holding the line! More air support is coming!

NPA soldier 1: I'm down to my last magazine!

NPA soldier 2: I'm running out!

Everyone is low on ammunition, if the machine gun crews run out then we are only left with one last option.

NPA Lieutenant: Everyone fix bayonets! Gather as many grenades as we have! We have to buy time for reinforcements.

The lieutenant held up his pistol and sword, both were rusty and have not been properly maintained since 1945. This was his last resort.

NPA Lieutenant: Everyone, CHARGE!

Everyone charged, sparingly firing any leftover ammo or throwing grenades. They engaged in close quarters combat but with the enemies possessing shields, it was difficult to get an edge over them. Finding his men were struggling left and right with no show of reinforcements, the lieutenant called a retreat.

NPA Lieutenant: Retreat! Get out of here!

Everyone broke off their engagements and ran out of there. Just then, a fleet of KI-269s flew to engage the unknown enemies, raining down more hell. Following the helicopter fleet, KI-222 interceptors began engaging the dragons in dogfights. Artillery fired off in the distance, devastating the unknown army as Toyota Type 20 trucks drove down the streets with more soldiers rushing to push back the unknown invaders. The invaders were wiped out in no time and the rest who surrendered will face certain death by firing squad.

2 days later

The lieutenant and his surviving men were hailed as heroes. The NPA council was unable to decide what to do or even come to an agreement and He Yingqin is too old to lead a country. They had no choice but to release former President Gao Zongwu and reinstate him as the leader of China. Zongwu announced that he will be sending a force of 5 divisions to the unknown building and place Taishan and the surrounding districts under martial law. I was only a mere private that was part of the Nanjing Garrison but did not fight, only defended the bridge that connected central Nanjing to Taishan district. I didn't feel like fighting another war, having fought a brutal war with the Co-Prosperity Sphere.

GATE: Thus the NPA fought there END

Attempted invasion of Nanjing

National Protection Army (NPA)
He Yingqin
Sun Du

Strength:1,200 troops
20 tanks
10 attack helicopters

2,000 troops
55 tanks
100 artillery
150 fighter aircraft
200 interceptor aircraft

500 killed
600 injured
1 attack helicopter lost
1 tank lost

Unknown Invaders
Unknown (Assumed KIA)

20,000 troops
15,000 horses
2,000 dragons

18,000-19,000 killed
100-200 captured
2,000 dragons killed

NPA victory

A/N: Should I create another part of this?
Edit 1: Reorganized battle stats
Edit 2: fixed some mistakes
Edit 3: to those who are confused about Long Yun being an insane warlord, this chapter was published before the rewrite of the Yunnan Clique and NPA lore in TNO.

Gate: Thus the National Revolutionary Army fought thereWhere stories live. Discover now