Chapter 44: The shield

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I stayed to myself after that, avoiding Parker. I didn't want to touch on those feelings, and I definitely didn't need to start crying again. I looked out at the water on the porch. Peter walked out the house and over to me.

'I kinda feel like you're avoiding me?' he said.

I glance at him. 'I'm not.'

'Yes, you are,' he said, smiling at me sadly. 'I get it, Maya. It's fine. May and I are leaving, I just wanted to talk to you once.'

I turn to face him. 'I'm sorry, Parker, I just...I'm coping.'

He turns to me and I realize we are very close. Too close. I could already feel my heartbeat picking up. 'I know, Maya. You're fine, okay? Things are going to be different from now on. No matter what though, I care about you, okay?' I nod and look down, playing with my ring. He takes my hand, making me look up. Tingles shoot up my arm that I choose to ignore. 'I'm here for you. Always. I can keep that promise.'

'Thanks, Peter,' I said. 'It...that means a lot.'

There was a cough from the doorway and we both looked over to see Steve. Peter quickly let go of my hand and backs away from me.

'Hey Steve,' I said, my voice slightly higher than usual.

'Hey,' he said.

Peter cleared his throat. 'I gotta get going anyway. Sorry about everything, Maya. I'll keep in contact.'

I nod at him and he starts to walk back into the house, but Steve stops him. I wince slightly.

'We haven't officially met, Queens,' Steve said. 'Steve Rogers.'

'Peter Parker,' Peter said in a weak voice.

'We all are very protective of her, you know,' Steve said.

'Steve,' I warn, giving him a glare.

'Of course, sir,' Peter said. 'We' friends.'

'Sure you are, queens,' Steve said, starting to walk towards me. 'Get going.'

Peter sends me a panicked look before entering the house again. Steve stands next to me with a somewhat smug look.

'Really?' I said, rolling my eyes at him. 'You just had to do that. He is just a friend.'

'Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that, kid,' he said, leaning on the railing. He looked uncomfortable. 'I, uh, need to talk to you about something, Maya.'

I turned toward him and studied his face. He avoided eye contact looking out towards the lake. 'Alright. What more bad news do you bring, Cap?'

He sighed. 'I'll, uhm, be returning the stones as soon as we can.'

He finally turned to look at me and my heart dropped. I looked back out to the lake and took a shaky breath. He had to return the stones and when he went to get the stones, he saw her. Of course, he wanted to go back. Why wouldn't he? It was all there in his face.

'Have you talked to Bucky?' I asked.

'I will,' he said. 'I wanted to talk to you first.'

'I feel honored,' I said, sarcastically.

'I actually have a question,' he said. I looked at him again. 'I want you to have the shield.'

I stared at him; my mouth slightly agape. I scoffed, moving over to the bench on the porch. 'Out of everyone, you want me to have the shield?'

He sat down next to me. 'A Stark made it; it seems only fair a Stark gets it back.'

I shook my head. 'A Stark gave it to someone who they thought deserved it. I don't want that shield, Steve. But I'd be willing to discuss who I think should get it. If you want my opinion.'

'If I didn't want your opinion, I wouldn't have told you about giving away the shield,' he said, smiling at me.

'Okay, well, there are only two people I think you should even consider,' I said with a shrug.

'Bucky and Sam?'

'Bucky and Sam.' I nod and look at him. 'Can I be honest?'

'You always are,' he said.

'Okay,' I said. I hesitate for a second, trying to find the right words that don't make me sound like an asshole. 'I really like Bucky and he would be a good person to give the shield to if you think he should get the shield. He's been with you for a while and he's a great friend and all of that.'

'But?' Steve asked when I trailed off.

'Sam and I have never really gotten along but he's a good guy. Anybody can see that. He fought with you and Bucky without even really knowing why. He went against the law for someone who was a known assassin because he trusted you and your judgement.'

'You did all that too,' Steve said.

I sighed. 'Yeah, but Steve, I knew all about Bucky. From the stories you told me, to my own research. I knew something had to be messing with his mind. I knew the winter soldier wasn't really Bucky. Sam just took your word for it. They both deserve the shield, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say one is better than the other. I just...I think Sam should get the shield, Steve. I think it would mean a lot to him.' Steve was quiet for a minute; thinking through everything I said. 'Talk to Bucky first, Steve. He deserves to know as much as I did, if not more. He deserves an opinion on this. But it also doesn't matter what either of us say, Steve. This is your shield. Do what you want with it.'

'You've always been so thoughtful, Maya,' he said with a chuckle. 'You'll be there when I return the stones, right?'

I hesitated but gave him a tight smile and small nod. I tried not to cry again. He didn't need that. I didn't need that. We drifted into comfortable silence; the only sound was the water hitting the dock. My mind wondered to Nat and dad. They weren't coming back. I had to learn to live with that. Steve would come back, he just won't be back for long. Thor was going up into space, giving away his king duties. He had lost more people than I did. I knew he would be okay though. I had a bad feeling about where the relationship with Peter and I was going to go. Worries flooded my brain, and I couldn't stop them.

'You know,' I said, interrupting our silence, 'in space, right before the snap, Thanos was going to kill me. The power stone surrounded my body.' My voice was quiet. 'I was screaming. I couldn't breathe. Those are one of the last memories he has of me.'

'I'm sure he only remembers your laughs instead of your scream,' Steve said. It was a weak attempt to make me feel better, but I was thankful for it none the less. 'Come on, Maya. Let's go back inside. Pepper's probably worried.' I nodded and stood up with him, walking to the door.

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