Beneath the Same Stars

Start from the beginning

Terra who just arrived finished Aqua's answer. "That every star up there is another world."

Aqua, Hikari and Ventus was surprised to see Terra. "Terra," Aqua smiled.

Terra smiled as well. "Yep, hard to believe there are so many worlds out there besides our own." He walked up to them. "The light is their hearts, and it's shining down on us like a million lanterns."

Ventus was confused. "What? I don't get it."

"In other words, they're just like you, Ven," Terra said as he starts teasing Ventus.

"What does THAT mean?" Ventus asked as he gave Terra a stern look.

"You'll find out someday, I'm sure," Terra replied as he teases Ventus again.

Ventus frowned as he began to argue with Terra. "I wanna know now."

Terra argued back. "You're too young to know now."

"Quit treating me like a kid!" Ventus argued again which made Aqua and Hikari laughed.

Terra looked at Aqua and Hikari. "Hey, what are you two laughing at?"

Hikari was still laughing. "We can't help it."

"You two would make the weirdest brothers," Aqua finished.

"Huh?" Ventus and Terra was confused. Then, they laughed with Aqua and Hikari.

"Maybe you two could make great sisters," Terra suggested. Ventus agreed.

"I could be," Aqua said, looking at Hikari.

"I couldn't agree more, Aqua," Hikari said. "I had a sister once but I got separated from her. And she is nowhere to be seen at some point."

Aqua frowned but smiled. "Awww... but if you do find her one day, we would look forward to meeting her."

Hikari nodded as she sat down with Terra, Ventus and Aqua to look at the stars. Aqua stood up and looked at Terra. "Oh, yeah! Terra, you and I have our Mark of Mastery exams tomorrow." She pulled out four star shaped charms. "I made us good luck charms." She tossed the orange one to Terra.

"Cool," Hikari said.

"Wow..." Ventus was surprised.

"Here," Aqua tossed the green one to Ventus and the red one to Hikari.

"We get one too?" Ventus asked.

"It looks pretty," Hikari said as she admired the red charm.

"Of course. One for each of us," Aqua nodded. "Somewhere out there, there's this tree with star-shaped fruit... and the fruit represents an unbreakable connection. So as long as you and  your friends carry good luck charms shaped like it, nothing can ever  drive you apart. You'll always find your way back to each other. Technically, I think you're supposed to make them with seashells, but  I did the best with what I had."

"Oy, sometimes you are such a girl," Terra said, teasing Aqua.

Aqua gave Terra stern look. "Hey, what do you mean "sometimes"?"

Terra gets an idea. "Well, let's just say that I wanted to get a girlfriend. Someone who's strong. Someone who lights my way to her." He had strong feelings for Aqua. "And... I'm talking about you, Aqua."

Aqua blushed and gets a boop on the face by Terra.

Hikari squealed in excitement. "You two make an adorable couple!"

"I agree," Ventus said. Then he looked at the charm. "So this isn't a real good luck charm?"

"Well, that's yet to be seen," Aqua told Ventus. "But I did work a little magic on it."

"Really? What?" Ventus asked.

Aqua holds up her Wayfinder and smiled. "An unbreakable connection."

"Well, tomorrow's the exam," Terra said. "Anybody wanna spar?"

Ventus smirked as he summons his Wayward Wind Keyblade. "I can take ya!"

Hikari smiled. "Good luck with that, Ven."

Terra nods and spars with Ventus and blocks the attack. Ventus frowned. "Quit goin' easy on me. You're not gonna win unless you stay on the offensive!"

Aqua and Hikari both summoned their Keyblades, Rainfell and Counterpoint. "Well, that works fine if you're fighting one on one. But you need to know how to handle a crowd, too," Aqua said. Then she looked at Hikari. "What do you say? Boys against girls?"

Hikari smirked. "Yep! And good thing your master taught me everything I should know."

Ventus smiled. "Then you can prove it to us then." He charged towards Hikari and sparred with her. Ventus was surprised. "You're getting very good."

"Why, thank you," Hikari said. "And you're doing well yourself. Now let's go see how those two "lovebirds" Terra and Aqua are doing."

"Yeah," Ventus agreed and followed Hikari to check on Terra and Aqua. Terra and Aqua sparred with each other until he saw her starting to lose her balance and catches her. Aqua smiled after Terra caught her and looks at him romantically. "Terra..."

Hikari squealed again and looks at Terra and Aqua. "YES!!!! Yes! You two should kiss!"

Terra and Aqua blushed when they saw Hikari's reaction. "Okay, okay," Terra laughed. "You know our secret."

"But just one time," said Aqua as she gave Terra a quick kiss on the lips.

Ventus pants as he caught up to Hikari. "Hey, Hikari. What did I miss?" Then he saw Terra and Aqua kissing. "I didn't know those two are a thing."

Hikari nodded. Then, the four friends laughed. After sparring, Ventus and Hikari watched the stars one last time until Terra called out to them. "Hey, we're gonna head back."

"Yeah. Us too!" Ventus said as he and Hikari head back with Terra and Aqua.

Aqua stopped to watch a shooting star go by as she holds onto her Wayfinder. "Together...always." Then, she catches up with Terra, Ventus and Hikari.

Finally, the four said, "That would be the last night we ever spent beneath the same stars."

Terra saw Ventus and Hikari about to go inside and said, "You two go ahead. Aqua and I will stay outside for a little bit, okay?"

"Okay," said Ventus and Hikari as they went inside. Terra walked up to Aqua and smiled. "Is that kiss not what you expected?"

"Well, since Ventus and Hikari found out," Aqua said. "I think it's safe to kiss since we're a couple without the master finding out."

Terra agreed. "Yeah. And we won't tell a soul to Master Eraqus." He kissed Aqua passionately on the lips.

"I love you, Terra," Aqua said as she pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you, too, Aqua," Terra said as he hugs Aqua who hugged him back.

Meanwhile, Mickey Mouse surfing on the book and was about to get sucked into a whirlpool but it turned out to be a test created by his mentor, the infamous sorcerer Yen Sid. Mickey walked up to Master Yen Sid's desk, scratching the back of his head. He noticed that his master had a bad feeling about what's going to happen.

"Mickey..." Yen Sid said to Mickey. "I cannot shake the feeling something terrible is about to transpire."

He tilted his head in confusion.

To be continued...

Note to all Wattpadders: Coming up will be the author's note. It will have announcements regarding the upcoming KH fanfics I'll be making. And the OCs that I'll also be making.

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