Midnight cub

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The full moon shone down on the wolf valley, a sleek female wolf lay panting after having her newest litter of Cubs.
"That's the last one" Poppy, a light grey wolf said as she licked the newborn.
It whined softly, looking for its mother's comforting fur.
"Can I see him?" The mother wolf asked,
She was barley able to move but still somehow had found the energy to name all four of her cubs.
"Of course dear" Poppy brought the grey cub over to her, lying him down so that she could see him.
Sage, the mother wolf, sniffed him and licked his tiny muzzle.
"Hunter, that's what I will call him, I can tell he will learn fast" Sage then picked him up and placed him gently next to the other cubs.
There where four. Three boys and one girl. Hunter, a medium sized grey cub, Storm, a very tiny black wolf cub, but with a huge personality, Dusty, he looked basically identical to Hunter except for a tiny white spit on one of his paws.
Cindy, the only girl of the litter, she had very white fur and bright blue eyes (the only blue eyed of the litter). Both Sage and Poppy could tell she would be the toughest of them all.

Four weeks later

"Hey, stop, give that back" Hunter chased after Dusty, who was holding a long branch in his mouth. The branch was a bit too big for him causing him to stumble side ways.
"Never!" Dusty giggled as he tried keeping the stick away from Hunter.
Duke, the wolf clan leader, entered the den.
"Cubs, listen up" he watched as Storm and Cindy trotted over to him and sat down contently, Hunter and Dusty hadn't heard and kept playing.
Duke began to become inpatient and glanced over at Sage, their mother.
She sighed and got up, just as she was about to tell the two to listen up, Cindy interrupted.
"YOU TWO BETTER GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT BEFORE I RIP YOUR HEADS OFF!" she then sat down and bowed politely to Duke.
All the wolves stared in shock at Cindy.
Hunter and Dusty hurried over next to Storm and smiled sheepishly at Duke.
"You wanted to say something?" Hunter asked innocently
Duke chuckled to himself at the cubs silliness.
"You are all four weeks old now, and you know what that means" he paused waiting for the cubs to respond.
The boys looked cluelessly at each other, Cindy rolled her eyes and looked up at Duke.
"I must say, haven't they learned anything... ugh... when a cub turns four weeks old they may leave the den for the first time" she looked knowingly at her brothers.
All three of them giggled and jumped in circles, this was going to be the best.
"But before you leave, you have to remember a few rules" Duke told them.
He went on for ages and Hunter didn't hear much except "stay away from bears" because they were wolves worst enemy.
"Alright you can go"
The cubs ran out of the den to explore the valley.

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