A hissing sound came from the restraints as they flung open. This was either bad or super bad, Ree thought. She rubbed her sore wrists and neck.  "Hands," Ren commanded and she sighed, just as she thought the wrist would get a break. 

"Say please," the blonde taunted but there was no please coming from his lips. He let the Force do the talking, as her hands went from rubbing her neck into a tight position in front of her, perfect width from each other to be placed in handcuffs. The cold metal trapped her hands and he started pushing her forward.

"I thought you said I'd rot in that cell," Ree questioned as she was pushed through the halls of the Supremacy, towards the hangar bay.

"Change of plans," Kylo answered as he forced her into the seat of a TIE-fighter.


The Dark side Rey flipped her lightsaber out so that it went from two-bladed to a double-bladed one. "Don't be afraid of who you are." She told the Light side Rey followed by an attack. The scavenger responded by blocking the attack with her blue lightsaber.

The two Reys fought but the dark side one had a clear advantage with her double-bladed lightsaber. And that advantage showed when she managed to trap the blue lightsaber between the blades by folding them together. A smirk spread on the Dark side Rer's face while the Light side one panted in fear. The scavenger stumbled back as the reflection of her hissed at her and showed razor-sharp teeth.

She fell onto her back, finding herself on the floor of the throne room where she had been minutes ago. The Wayfinder flew out of her hand, rolling down the floor as a sweaty Rey followed it with her gaze.

It came to halt as it was picked up by a gloved hand. Kylo Ren's hand. The Scavenger quickly got on to her feet, facing the bare-faced Kylo as he studied the Wayfinder in his hand. She once again ignited her blue lightsaber expecting him to do the same, instead, he just lowered the Wayfinder. She paced towards him, adrenaline pumping through her, nostrils flared, ready to strike him down. "Look at yourself," Ren started, "you wanted to prove to my mother that you were a Jedi but you've proven something else." She came to a halt, "you can't go back to her now. Like I can't." He said with a shaking voice.

"Give it to me," her instruction was a hissing sound.

"The dark side is in our nature," Kylo tried to persuade her once again like he has done countless times, "surrender to it."

"Give it," she hissed, "to me."

"Join me and I'll give you Ree." The anger in Rey's eyes fleeted for a second. She had abandoned the blonde back on the Supremacy, was she going to pass another chance of getting the pregnant Ree back?

"Where is she?" Her voice continued to be only a whisper but this one was filled with hope.

"She's in my TIE-fighter. The Resistance can have her if you join me." Rey knew that it was the honourable thing to do, to save the pregnant woman from the claws of the First Order. That's what heroes did. They sacrificed themselves for others. But she couldn't, she couldn't join Kylo, even if it meant saving someone.

"No, I can't." Tears were threatening to fall as the brunette realised that she had once again left Ree behind.

"Then the only way you're getting to Exegol is with me." As Kylo finished his sentence he crushed the Wayfinder in his hand.

"No!" Rey screamed and lunged an attack against the Supreme Leader.


Ree felt like a child waiting for their parent as she was stuck in the TIE-fighter. Her hands were still in handcuffs and Kylo had closed and locked the lid of the TIE-fighter as he left. She knew that they were on Kef Bir, a moon in the Endor system and apparently the location of where the second Death Star had crashed. It wasn't rain soaking the windows but instead the sea foam of waves crashing against the wreckage. Her former lover hadn't said a word during the entire flight there but she didn't believe that he took her there just for the shitty views.

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