"It's okay,I'll keep looking,just call me if he comes..actually..Taehyung..Why don't you call him?I don't have his number"
"I already tried,he wasn't picking up"Taehyung

'That makes me more worried..'
'See you are worried dumbass'
'Fuck you'

I slapped myself suddenly.

"Lisa what the heck!?"Jennie
"Nothing!I'll go find him!"

I then ran back up

"Jungkook!?Where are you!?You're giving me stress!"



I kept calling his name but nothing...

I ran around the place,checking the same place several times but no signs of Jungkook.

I was sweating and could barely breath.
I put my hands on my knees breathing heavily.

The sudden sound of someone saying my name caught me off guard nearly making my heart jump out.

I look behind me and saw him..Walking out the bathroom..

Are you serious...

I walked over to him still trying to catch my breath.

"Why are you so out of breath?"He asked innocently.
"Because I was looking for you!You weren't answering your calls and we were getting worried!"
"We?You mean you were worried about me?"He smirked

"This isn't the time for jokes,let's just go,this is supposed to be relaxing"

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him down to Jennie and Taehyung.I struggled while doing it too..He kept stopping and I had to pull him harder to get him moving,felt like my arm was gonna fall off.

"Oh you found him?Where were you Jungkook?You wouldn't answer your calls"Taehyung
"Sorry,I was in the bathroom,my phone was probably on silent"Jungkook

"Don't say sorry to us,Say it to Lisa,she ran around everywhere trying to find you"Jennie
"Whatever, I just wanna eat"

I sat on the next blanket and Jungkook sat infront of me.Luckily the food was still warm.

"Sorry Lisa,and thanks"Jungkook
"Just eat"

15 mins later.

"Ah dang,we forgot to buy drinks,Do you guys think you could go buy some for us?"Jennie
I looked at Jennie with a 'bruh' face and she just winked.

"Okay,let's go Lisa" Jungkook grabbed my arm and we walked over to a guy selling drinks

"What would you like?"
"4 sprites please"

He then took out the sprites and put it infront of him.

"I'll pay"

I took out my money and hand it out but before the shop keeper could grab it a strong wind came out of nowhere blowing it out of my hand and towards to ocean.


I chased after it.

I heard Jungkook yell but I ignored him.

I then soon had to get into the water as it landed into the ocean.

"LISA!"I heard him from a far distance.

Shit where is it.

I kept going deeper,What a waste of money.The water was by my waist and the wind wasn't helping as the waves started to become rough.Okay maybe I should get out.I was about to swim back to shore but a big wave came covering my head before I jumped up back to the air.The waves were pulling me back deeper into the ocean.


okay just swim...

Jungkook pov:

"Dang your girlfriend really doesn't like wasting money.."Shop keeper
"She's not my girlfriend but yeah.."

I watched her as she went deeper into the ocean.My breathing started to get heavy...

Its just money Lisa...Just let it go...I said hoping to myself she'll just come back.

That's when I saw a big wave cover her head.


I ran closer to the water but stopping as I reached the wet sand...

"Come on Jungkook...you can do this...Don't let the same mistake happen again.."

I took a deep breath and ran into the water.

"LISA!LISA!" I yelled hoping for a response,the water was by my waist..

"LISA!" Fuck this

I took a deep breath in and went under water trying my best to open eyes.
Then I remembered this is salt water..
Fuck that burns..I quickly went back up trying to find her.

that's when I saw something..
Something yellow...

Lisa's hoodie!

I swam over to her


I grabbed and helped her float

"Jungkook!" She was coughing a lot.

I then held her by ur waist and took us both to shore.We then both layed on the sand coughing getting our breath back.

Lisa pov:

I coughed out all the water that was stuck in my throat..

I looked at Jungkook..

"Thank you Jungkook,are you okay?"

He was sitting up,his hands on his knees and face buried in his arms.

I sat closer to him

It sounds like...he's crying...Fuck this is all my fault..

I put my arm around him and pat his back.

"I'm sorry"
The sobbing sounds suddenly stopped.
"Its fine,sorry I know I'm being overdramatic"He said,face still buried in his arms.
"No!I understand you probably thought you were gonna die,I did too but it's okay now thanks to you"

"No it's not that..it's just..."He looked at me..His eyes were red and he looked horrified and sad...

"My mom..."He suddenly looked down..

"Your mom?"
Did something happen to his mom?..

"She...she drowned trying to save me.."
As soon as he said that my heart suddenly dropped..
"Oh Jungkook...i-im..I'm so sorry..it must have been hard for you I-"
"No..It's not your fault...I was 10 when it happened, ever since then I was afraid to come to the beach..especially to swim.."Jungkook

"Really?But how come you're so good at swimming then?"
"I actually don't know...this is the first time I've swam since that time..I guess I was just worried that I'd lose another person.."Jungkook

Something suddenly shifted in me...I wanted to hug him because I felt so bad but I don't think that would be appropriate..

"Thank you Jungkook..For saving me and opening up to me..and I'm sorry for being so rude to you"
He suddenly smiled.

"Can we be friends?"
I smiled




Haven't written something this long since September 2020💀💀💀

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