5. Bottle of nightshade

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"Congratulations on the victory but leaving King Miran alive was a mistake," Minister Yegan said as we sat in the throne room.

"If it is then I assure you it was a calculated one," I said flatly from my throne.

"You should have at least married Princess Mayara that way he wouldn't think of fighting against his own son-in-law." He insisted.

"Minister Yegan, I respect you but if you keep questioning my decisions, I'd have to assume you don't return the same respect towards me." That shut him off, good. Playing the diplomat was the most difficult part. 

"King Ahar, I like to remind you that Princess Mayara is the best choice for becoming the future queen of Ethiya. She is both beautiful and powerful. I've also heard that she is a wise woman. I hope you consider this." Another minister interjected.

"I will," I said patiently this time.

"Do you have any course of action planned for the future?" Minister Yegan said. God that man was nothing if not persistent.

While I turned right to answer him, I noticed the fire burning unnaturally bright and roared in the small lamp that illuminating the place. While the others didn't take a notice to it, I knew for what it was. Someone is eager to have a chat with me.

"In fact, I do. We are having a party tonight officially welcoming Princess Mayara." I knew that was not the future he asked about and it pissed him off to no end. Sometimes you are allowed to take pleasure in annoying, annoying people.

With that I got up from the throne and immediately the ministers imitated my action. As I walked out of the room without another word, they bowed down to me with respect.

I walked to the practice ground knowing that's exactly where she'd be at this hour. Breaking the knees of newly recruited soldiers and training them till they pass out even before breakfast.

Mori stood there with molten red hair that was wild being ruffled by the wind with a six feet spear in her hand. Hundreds on men and women were training in neat lines row after row as they followed her instructions keenly under the morning sun.

She hit a woman gently on her back instructing her to straighten it as she pulled herself in a metal bar. Mori corrected their postures and her sharp eyes were quick to notice any one that was slacking. God save them.

"Don't you pull that trick again when I'm discussing important affairs in the throne room," I said with an authoritative tone.

"Thought I'd save your ass before you regret ripping Yegan's head off his shoulder," she said nonchalantly.

"True." I smiled giving her a side hug which she returned.

"Pencilhead, I can see that you stopped doing your push ups," she called out loudly without turning to look at him.

Ahar saw a lean guy's face turning red with panic on being called out. He resumed his position hurriedly and continued doing push ups along with the other soldiers in training.

"Go easy on them Mori." I laughed.

"Pencilhead plus hundred," she shouted. The poor guy's face flushed but he continued the exercise quietly without any opposition.

"I don't tell you how to do your job so you don't you dare tell me how to do mine," she said pointing a finger at me.

"Easy woman." I lifted my hands in surrender smiling.

I knew all the new recruits saw the way she threatened me, their king. If they are cleaver, they'd realize not to mess with her just because she's a woman. Even I don't. She might look young but she had beat my ass in duals more times than I care to admit.

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