1. The invasion

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Earned by the King

Mohriya and Ethiya are mythical kingdoms that have been at war for centuries. But Mohriya has now been invaded and it's King had no choice but to offer his only daughter in the name of an alliance.
Princess Mayara was both beauty and power at it's brim. The alliance might tie her to the invader but if he wants more then he has to earn it.
Will the mysterious invader be able to earn her love and more while overcoming the dark clouds of his past?


Mohriya and Ethiya have always been at each other's throats. The two countries have been at war for centuries, neither relenting. As both sides had equally powerful Ellvian warriors with magic in their blood the tension was inevitable. But for the first time in history the borders of Mohriya have been breached, the strongest fort door fallen and the palace has been invaded by King Ahar.

Many knew the south door of the fort was the weakest and always the invaders tried to breach through it. But they often failed to take into account that the strongest Ellvian warriors defended that door. The North door however has never been breached once it's on lockdown, bound by powerful magic of the ancients. Even with the help of a hundred elephants the north door would not bulge an inch.

But King Ahar had somehow successfully captured the palace by bringing his troops through the same famous north door.

"Yield or die," Ahar said with a cold tone, one that dared any defiance. One side of his dual edged sword pressed tight on the Mohrian King's throat, Ahar holding it at the center with bloody fingers. 

"I propose an alliance instead," the helpless king said failing to keep a straight face with death so close to his neck. Once the fort doors had been breached the old king knew the chance of them winning this war was slim and the his ministers knew that too. They had convinced him that this was the best course of action. Despite his reluctance to agree to even entertain the idea initially he now saw no other option left. All he knew of the ruthless man in front of him were rumors that had been carried by the wind. In fact, none really knew much of him. He had preferred to maintain the aura of mystery around him. The only thing that every one was certain about was he had remarkably won every battle he fought so far. And the way he mercilessly swung his sword today all bloody and thirsting for more blood, it terrified even the seasoned warriors in his army. King Miran had never felt any power as strong as his all his existence.

"What do you have to offer? Your entire kingdom is already mine." Ahar smiled at his useless attempt. They were currently standing in the Mohrian throne room with Ahar's soldiers surrounding the room in grey-blue uniform and iron armor. While Ahar's armor was made of gold with the double-lion roaring on his chest.

"I speak of a marital alliance. As I don't have a son, my daughter is the direct heir to the throne," he spoke struggling to keep a straight face, his voice cracking towards the end despite his attempt like it pained him even to speak of the idea.

Ahar knew where King Miran was going with this. The suggestion did appeal to Ahar. Even if he had already taken the kingdom by force, he needed the support of its people to rule peacefully. Mohriya was not like any other kingdom he had captured so far, the need for vengeance between the two kingdoms ran deeper than the depths of oceans. An alliance would indeed make things easier.

"There will be an alliance, but not of marriage," Ahar said lifting the sword slowly. It then disappeared from his hands. He stepped away giving space for the old king to get up.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means I will take your daughter in return for you to live out your remaining days as a King under my rule. But she will not become my queen. I won't take her as my wife unless I want to."

King Miran's face turned red at his reply. "That is not what I agreed upon," he spat.

"You are in no position to make demands. You are helpless and so is your daughter with the illusion of safety behind a few doors in this very palace."

"This is not what I agreed upon," Kind Miran repeated anger evident in his tone.

"I am already being generous. You know she already belongs to me as I have captured this entire palace. This way you get to keep your throne for a little while longer," Ahar tried to explain the obvious to the old king.

Ahar was a strategist. He knew the people of Mohriya loved their princess. He has heard stories of her beauty and power. It is said she wielded the entire sky and the thunder roaring outside the palace was proof enough.

If he captured her by force then there will be a mutiny against his rule in Mohriya and killing the old king now would do him no good as well. He needed his support to rule his people in peace.

In a flash two sturdy horns grew on King Miran's his head and a broad sword appeared in his hand as he called upon them, his stance ready to attack. But before he could take another step a huge lion pounced on him from nowhere and the broad sword slipped from his hand. The lion with golden brown fur pinned him to the ground restricting his movements.

"You should have known better than to call upon a bull in the midst of lions." Ahar stepped forward, his grey eyes turning molten blue with rage.

On Ahar's sign the lion stepped away from the king but its focus not leaving him.

"If you are determined to get yourself killed, I might as well help," Ahar growled calling upon his double-edged sword.

"I agree to this alliance," Miran blurted in panic. His horns disappeared and so did his sword. Miran knew it was his only choice. At least he'd live to fight another day. If he is dead now, then there would be no one to take care of his daughter and wife. Moreover, his first duty was to his country. If his daughter is the price, he has to pay to keep the people of his country safe then he will swallow the bitter pill.

"Wise decision." Ahar commented.


What is a love story between a king a queen if it didn't start with a war?

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