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Aslan stares down at the infant lying on the grass, the only current sound escaping her being the sound of her breathing. "Aslan, what will you do with her?" He looks at a centaur, and replies, "I will send her to Digory, Oreius. It is not safe for her to be here with the White Witch lurking about."

"Will she return?" Oreius asks, confusion and concern laced in his voice, his eyes flickering from the Lion and the small infant before him. "With the Kings and Queens will she return." Aslan's response lifts the old centaurs spirit, but the news only encourages him slightly.

"When she returns, the happiness will come back to Narnia. Her magic is brighter and more powerful then Jadis'." Aslan explains as the child's eyes open, a bring green like the forest connecting with his own eyes. "Cassandra will be the light to the darkness that is close by."

"Oreius, please, bring this child to Digory. She cannot stay here any longer, the Witch is coming." Aslan orders, which causes the centaur to pick the, now crying, child up and speed off with the babe.


Oreius rushes through the trees, darting back in forth between branches as he hears the howling of wolves behind him, signaling the White Witch's soldiers following after him and yet still at a distance away from where he currently was. He attempts to gain speed, running forward with all the strength in his legs with grasping tightly to the baby in his arms.

He only had a little bit of a ways left before he got to the correct location to drop off the baby where she would be safe with Digory Kirke, and he could only hope that he could make it there in time. He mutters underneath his breath as he takes another jump over a fallen branch, the centaur continuing forward.

He only found himself able and willing to relax once he saw the drop off point. He allowed himself to slow down and glance at the child in his arms, a sad expression filling his features as he realizes he has to soon depart with the young girl, and will not see her again in his lifetime.

The girl, Cassandra, was wrapped tightly, swaddled comfortably with a letter tucked into her wrappings addressed to Aslan's longtime friend from before, and Oreius bites his bottom lip as he forces himself to obey the order from his Lord.

He moves forwards and towards the area, and when he reaches the point he hesitantly reaches through the portal in front of him, his eyes managing to adjust through the ripples to help him realize he's correctly placed the child on the steps of her new home. He quickly retracts his hands as he hears the howling once more, and grabs out his sword, and without hesitation breaking the portal in front of him to prevent passage through this specific gate to happen once more.

A tear slips down his cheek as he mutters a goodbye to the child, and he whips around and prepares himself to fight off the pack of wolves that now surrounds him, all howling curses that they missed him leaving the child behind.


I do not own Narnia, it belongs to C.S. Lewis, there will also potentially be spoilers of the movies and the books within this story as well, however, there will also be deviations to the plot in some areas as well. I will not own any music or pictures used as well, unless stated before used. The only thing I own would be the OC, Cassandra Kirke!

So, I know it has been a long, long time since I have done ANYTHING with this story in any way. I have been intending to do SOMETHING with it since the last two years, but things happened like...

A). Family issues, and did college online for a year
B). I moved to Australia to finish College for my second year
C). All sorts of medical issues happened whilst in Australia, i.e. slipped disc in my spine, Covid twice, found out I have a chronic pain condition, I have been unable to walk for half a year now, and have been having unexplained seizures as well.
D). I've moved back from Australia, but all the medical issues are still going on.

I am hoping that, even with all these issues going on and with the seizures messing up my memory and making me forget things, I'll be able to focus this time on writing more of this story, and rewrite some things and areas definitely do need to be rewritten (I was 14 when I first wrote this, come on)

But with all that said, I hope this goes well, and thank you for reading this and being patient if you have been.)

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