"Not really" shaking her head slightly

Eric turns to Pam, and mutters something to her in Swedish, a small smirk forming on Morgan's lips,

"Inte privat som du skulle hoppas antar jag?" Morgan asked
Not as private as you would hope, I assume?

Four heads turned toward her, Bill and Sookie looking at her in surprised, Pam was a little impressed and Eric had a curious look on his face. But Morgan could tell he was impressed as well, not expecting her to be fluent in Swedish,

"Känner du svenska?" Eric asked, slightly raising in eyebrow as he leaned forward a little in his throne
You know Swedish?

"Ja, och jag talar flytande andra språk" taking a sip of her drink
Yes, and I'm fluent in other languages

"Intressant" a smirk forming on his lips "Hur blev du flytande? Du talar det perfekt. Om jag inte visste bättre skulle jag tro att du var från Sverige"
Interesting. How did you become fluent? You speak it perfectly. If I didn't know better, I would think you were from Sweden.

"Varför tackar dig" giving him a small nod "jag gillar att läsa, Jag tog upp det egen hand väldigt enkelt"
Why thank you. I like to read, I picked it up on my own very easily

"Jag visste att det fanns en anledning till att jag gillade dig" Pam said, a smirk on her lips
I knew there was a reason I liked you

"Since when do you know another language?" Sookie asked, looking at her sister

"Since I work in a place with lots of books" Morgan replied, taking another sip of her drink

"I understand you've been asking questions about some of my customers" Eric said, his eyes still on Morgan

"Yes, we have" she replied, looking at him

"If you have anything to ask, you should ask it of me" leaning back in his throne

"Alrighty" Sookie said, handing him the pictures of Maudette and Dawn "you recognize either one of these girls?"

Eric looked at the pictures while Pam looks at them from over his shoulder,

"Hmm . ." He hummed, pointing to the picture of Maudette "well, this one offered herself to me. But I found her too pathetic for my attentions. Now, this one, however . ." pointing to the other picture, "I have tasted once"

"I remember 'em both" Pam spoke up

"On account of the vault?" Morgan asked with a smirk

Bill tightly grasps Morgan's hand with his own, causing her to briefly close her eyes as the grip, only to rip her hand away from his,

"Never had either of them, though" Pam added "they weren't really my type"

"Well . . ." Sookie trailed off, grabbing the photos from Eric's hand "thank you very much. That is all your time I need to take"

"I'm not finished with you yet" Eric said, a smile forming on his lips "please. Sit"

Sookie hesitated for a second, sitting to the right of Eric and Pam, the man looking toward the woman with white hair,

"Snälla, ha en plats" he said, holding out his hand
Please, have a seat

Morgan couldn't help the small blush that formed in her cheeks, taking a few steps toward him and grasping his hand with her right. Leading her toward his lap, the woman sat down, looking at him for a moment with a small smile. Bill remained standing in front of them,

"So, Bill" Eric began "are you quite attached to your friends?"

"Sookie is mine!" Bill replied

"Yes" the blonde added "I am his"

"And you?" Eric asked, looking at Morgan

". . . Erbjuder ni?" Morgan asked
Are you offering?

A smirk grew, his eyes leaving hers and looking at Bill,

"Sit with us" he said "we have catching up to do, you and I. It has been too long"

". . . Yes" Bill replied hesitantly

Bill sits down on Eric's left, the blond vampire looking at Morgan with interest as she finished her drink, Pam walking off the stage. The vampire returned minutes later with another glass of Old Fashioned, handing it to Morgan with a smirk, the woman switching out the glasses. Morgan gave her a thankful nod, taking a sip of the new drink, but her eyes snapped forward,

"Where the fuck are they? My backup was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. I can't handle a raid on my own. These fucking vampires . . ."

"Trouble" Morgan muttered "trouble. Trouble. Trouble . . . We need to go"

"Morgan" Bill said, almost scolding

"The cops are coming" looking at Eric "there's gonna be a raid. I'm not an undercover cop, but that man in the hat . ." pointing to the man ". . actually is"

"Even if you're right, we do nothing illegal here" Eric said

"The man you kicked earlier, he's in the ladies room with a vampire named Taryn" jerking her head slightly to the ladies room "she's feeding on him"

"How do you know this?" Pam asked

"I'm known as the town freak" shrugging slightly

"Freeze!" A man suddenly shouted

Eric, Pam, the undercover cop and the young woman he's with turn their heads in the direction of the voice,

"Police!" He shouted "freeze! Don't move!"

The crowd moves anyway as police officers, dressed in combat gear, enter the club,

"Follow me" Eric said

Pam, Bill, Sookie and Morgan follow Eric as the police conduct their raid. Morgan's hand was tightly grasped in Eric's as he shoved a door open at the back of the club, leading outside and all quickly exit the building. Bill picks up Sookie in his arms, Eric and Pam move away, as if they're hovering instead of walking,

"I enjoyed meeting you, Miss Stackhouse" Eric said, looking at Morgan "you will come again"

He rose her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles, watching as she chugged the rest of her drink, a smirk forming on his lips, gently taking the glass from her hand, watching as she walked down the road.

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