S t o r m b o r n

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*gentle reminder that the places and characters I have mentioned are not of my creation. I respect George too much for that*


Dragonstone was riddled with storms, Daenerys finds herself in the council room where the painted table resides with the roars of the Dragons being washed out with the occasional thunder. The lengthy conversations are being voiced amongst the advisors discussing the future deliberations of her conquest for Westeros which comes to a silence when Varys steps closer to peer outside.

"On a night like this, you came into the world. Your father had long passed when ravens were received in King's Landing with word of a Princess born to Aerys and Rhaella. Daenerys Stormborn." Varys smiles whilst still looking out, appreciating nature as it is.

Daenerys smiled and turned to face him as he continued.

"All the dogs in Kings Landing howled through the night".

She sighs to herself, realising that she will never know her family. The only family she had was with her brother, Viserys, who never showed any typical sibling affection and decency.

"I wish I could remember it, all I had were Viserys' memories of King's Landing and Dragonstine. And, my mother before her death of course".

She turns back towards the painted table, showcasing all of the Seven Kingdoms with the great houses of Westeros. Silence fills the air as she walks alongside the side of the table and looks at Tyrion, deciding to continue the previous conversation about war plans.

She points to the lion piece, "Not so many lions?"

Varys walks back to the table.

"Cersei controls fewer than half the seven kingdoms. The lords of Westeros despise her, even before your arrival they plotted against her, now..."

Daenerys cuts him off, knowing the true nature of war.
"They cry out for their true queen? They drink secret toasts to House Targaryen? Many have said that to my late brother, Viserys and he was a fool for believing them. The common people do not care for what the Lord and Ladies do."

Tyrion reminds Daenerys,

"You are not your brother, Your Grace."

She smiles and picks up a light yellow Dragon piece, representing Viserion.

"Having known only Viserys as my brother, with three Dragons, he would not be standing here in this room. He would already have attacked and burned all of King's Landing with the rest of Westeros to be crowned as King of the Seven Kingdoms or rather, famously known as King of the Ashes. Many Lords and Ladies will expect me to resemble my father, that I intend to bring fire and blood to those who wish to depose me."

She closes her eyes, reliving past memories of the screams of people in King's Landing in another lifetime.

"I will be forced to show a sense of ruthlessness should our war position be weakened. I will have to retaliate to ensure the survival of my house and remove the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister. The Dragons are a good way of showing authority and power."

Tyrion's eyes betray his words as he panics. While Tyrion is my advisor and has sworn himself to her cause, she knows that he remains besotted with affection for his family. Moreso his brother, Jaime Lannister killed her father while a sworn Kingsgaurd.

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