Chapter 8 Part 2: Morning Stroll

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Everyone had finished breakfast and were doing their own things. Law was walking around the ship for some where to relax. It wasn't easy considering that everyone was everywhere.


When Law was walking around he saw that Luffy was on the ship railing again. "Don't you think you'll get pulled in again, Mugiwara-ya?" Luffy looked over at Law with an 'oh yeah' expression. "How can you forget something like that?!" Caesar was laying on the floor. Seems like everyone forgot about him, or just didn't pay attention to him. 

Luffy started walking to the back of the ship where Nami's tangerine trees where. On his way over he was thinking about maybe eating some of the tangerines, but didn't want Nami to get mad. He made it to the trees and looked at them. Law followed behind. They got to the platform where the trees and Robins flowers were. 

"These look really good, I wanna eat one." Luffy sat down next to one of the trees. 

"Why don't you?" Law walked over to it and picked one.

"Well, Nami might get mad." 

"I don't think she'll be upset if you just got one." He tossed the tangerine and everything felt like it was in slow mow. 

Law felt as if a giant hand had grabbed him as if he were a doll. He up and saw an arm figure attached to the hand in the sky, then flew up into the air.

"Torao!" Luffy stretched and grabbed Law's legs. Another hand came from the sky and threw Luffy off Law. He flew off the ship he stretched his legs and got a hold of something then flung back onto the ship, but by the time he got back, Law was gone. 

"Everyone! Torao just got abducted!" Some of the crew came out to see what Luffy was talking about, and a bit scared of it being something like Luffy's abduction. 

"What do you mean, "Law just got abducted"!" Nami yelled looking up at Luffy, who was holding onto the mast. 

He blinked then looked down at Nami.

It was a cloudy day so you couldn't see anything of the sky. 

"He was taken into the sky." He looked up at the place where Law was taken again. 

"First Luffy now Law? Whats going on?! Is it going to take me too!?" Usopp hugged Chopper. 

"Stop saying things like that!" Nami hugged onto Chopper with Usopp. 

"You guys are squishing me!" Chopper wiggled around trying to slip through their grasp.

"I wonder if Torao will come back like you did Luffy." Sanji walked out of the kitchen after hearing everything.

"I'm sure he will."


End of chapter 8.

I totally didn't just start a new series, what do you mean?

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