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Sayaka Maizono rubbed her head as she woke up in an empty classroom. She appeared to have fallen asleep on the desk. She knew better. She had just died.

"Kuwata, you know I don't want to do this. But I have to. For my band. For my family. For my life," Sayaka said in tears while holding a knife to Leon's throat. Leon began to shake in terror, silently pleading for his life. Sayaka raised her arm, ready to slice Leon's throat open when he grabbed her arm. Both of their eyes widened as they realized what Leon was going to do.

"I'm sorry," Leon cried, promptly killing Sayaka. She let out screams of pain as Leon sliced her body open. In the last moments of her life, she left a clue for Makoto Naegi to find.

"I believe in you, Makoto."

Sayaka wandered around the classroom searching for a sign of anyone, anything that could tell her what was going on and why she was still alive. She heard a loud thud coming from the locker in the corner of the room. Suspicious, she tiptoed over to the locker. The locker began to shake. Whatever was inside of it wanted to get out. It burst open, Sayaka jumping back in fear.

"A little help here? Honestly, the nerve of some people." The voice inside the locker seemed very annoyed but not necessarily hostile. Sayaka cautiously lent a hand to the boy sitting in the locker. He was a very heavy-set boy wearing a fancy white suit and rectangular glasses. As he stood, he exerted a very commanding presence. "And just who are you supposed to be," he grouched, examining the chalkboard in front of the classroom.

"I'm... um, I'm Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation. And, uh, just who are you anyway?" Sayaka questioned the boy, trying to create the same domineering tone as him but ultimately sounding like an angry puppy.

"Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy," the boy coolly answered, once again examining everything in the room he could find. "Well? If you're not going to help then you might as well get out of my way," Byakuya said, pushing her to the side to take a look at a nearby monitor.

"Geez, you don't have to be so rude about it," Sayaka grumbled, moving out of Byakuya's way. "So, Mr. Togami, any idea what it is we're doing here?" She started fiddling with a nearby pencil container. She knew it probably didn't have any significance, but she wanted to look busy.

"If I knew what we were doing here, do you really think I'd be in here looking for any sort of clue while tolerating your existence? No. So why don't you just stay quiet and let me handle this." Byakuya once again brushed her aside to see if the door was locked. Unexpectedly, the door opened with ease. As he went to leave the room, another thud came from a locker.

"If this is another stuck up boy, I'm gonna lose it," Sayaka mumbled, walking over to open the locker. This time, a skinny boy with ragged hair sat in the bottom, yet he seemed much more laid-back than Byakuya.

"Hey there," the boy said with a smirk, taking Sayaka's hand and getting up on his feet. "The name's Rantaro Amami. Are you guys Ultimates too?"

"I'm Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation, and that's Byakuya Togami-"
"I can introduce myself, you know." Byakuya interrupted. "Like the girl said, I'm Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy. This whole introduction thing is really getting tiring. There's obviously going to be more of us showing up, can we hold all the introductions until then?" Byakuya huffed, continuing his investigation into the hallway.

"Finally, something we can agree on," Sayaka said, following Byakuya out of the room. "Togami, how do we know that there's not going to be more people coming out of that room? What if a murderer or something shows up?" Sayaka's mind became flooded with thoughts of the killing game again. This, of course, struck a nerve within Byakuya and Rantaro as well.

"Believe me, I'm quite acquainted with murderers. They're not all bad, they could be regular people that are just presented with the right motive," Byakuya said with a hint of remorse in his voice. Sayaka noticed this but decided that now wasn't the best time to question it. "Regardless, even if Adolf Hitler himself were to appear in that locker, we'd need anyone's help right now. All the students should meet up in the gym so we can-"


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