Out With The Brat Pack

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He couldn't even recall the last time Shōto had initiated conversation.

The message was clear and concise. It wasn't a compliment; but it sounded like some kind of proof of acknowledgment.
Even if his son wasn't speaking in his own name.

(Honestly Fuyumi may have been the one behind this — but Endeavor found he didn't even care. Such a gesture from his son had been enough to ease his heart a bit.)

He wondered whether Shōto had received the angry vocal message he had left in his voicemail asking for his help and- hey, thinking of that, he should ask him for Eraser Head's contact to avoid repeating that kind of complication a second time.

As he sent the message and put his phone away, opting to go out on a patrol to clear his mind, the device buzzed with his son's reply.

'Midoriya asks if you want All Might's number, too.'


Star Killer Karaoke Bar

Meanwhile, the Symbol of Peace was wondering exactly what he was doing here.

How had he ended up in that karaoke bar again...?
Oh, right.

He had suggested that the Flame Hero burned the footage, because he felt it was the best way to start healing.

Endeavor had nodded with a hoarse hum, then he had stood up and moved to the window to let some air in, as the office still felt like a furnace.
All Might had stood up as well, dusted his suit and he had walked to the door, turning back one last time to say goodbye.

From the window Endeavor was staring at him — and for a moment time had seemed to stop.
Then, slowly, he had walked up to the blond. Without breaking eye contact.

All Might had frozen on his spot, not sure what to do or say-

Before he had time for any reaction the redhead's hand had brushed his, before grabbing the handle to open the door for him.

It had only lasted for an instant -- but it had startled both of them.

Next, Endeavor had abruptly looked away, an undecipherable look on his face.

- ...-ight?!! ALL MIGHT!!

The Symbol of Peace jumped as Midnight's high-pitched call snapped him back to the present.

- A-Ah, sorry Kayama-san, you were saying?! he shouted, loud enough to cover the blazing volume of the music playing through the room.

- I was saying we didn't bring you here to mop around!

The young woman grabbed his arm to force him up from the seat he had dropped into.
- Hizashi, get your ass over here and help me cheer him up, for God's sake!! she shrieked. Karaoke night at the Star Killer was YOUR idea!!

Present Mic downed his drink bottoms up and rushed to grab their elder's free arm, flashing the latter his equally dashing and disturbing grin.
- Yeah man, come ON!! You're up next!!

All Might's eyes widened, and he rubbed the back of his neck with an uneasy smile.
- What?! Ha ha no, really, I don't think it's a good idea you know! I'm a terrible singe-

Present Mic snorted and dismissed his argument with a mere wave of his hand.
- Are you KIDDING me?! That's no valuable excuse, my dear listener!!
- But-

- Pfffff, jus' leave'im alooone, Eraser Head blankly slurred from his booth seat.

- NOPE!! And YOU'LL be next, baby!!

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