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UA, the next day

If Class 1-A wasn't particularly disruptive during homeroom with Eraser Head... today everyone was unchained! Izuku thought.

Katsuki was this close to exploding — or blast someone out (or both).
Ochako was in deep contemplation of her pencil, her cheeks a deep shade of crimson.
Denki and Eijirō sported a superior air, as if they had just come up with the answer to the world's most complicated equation (which was utterly impossible. ...No offense).
The rest of the boys were whispering, Minoru was in shock, Tenya seemed a little lost, Mina and Hantā were communicating by hysterical and all but discrete hand gestures, and the rest of the girls looked absolutely mortified.

They all yelped when the door opened, on an even wearier-looking Eraser Head.
The young pro hero rubbed his temples with a wince, and almost immediately disappeared into his sleeping bag.

- ... 'Too much pounding in my head to be productive, so today's gonna be a pop quiz, he muttered in a toneless voice.

There was a blank.

- WHAT?!!
- Hey, not cool!
- Yeah, no way!! We're compelled to go to class even if we're half dead, so that's not fair!

- Uh, Aizawa-sensei, didn't you give us a test two days ago already? Momo pointed out, sweat running down her neck. Do you really mean it...?

- Yep, you heard me. Yaoyorozu, Iida, the answering sheets and questions are on my desk-

His sentence ended in a snore, and more frustration from the heroes in training.

Izuku didn't even dare wonder what their teacher might have done last night.

He had kinda gone through a rough evening himself, racking his mind to think of how to clear things up with Shōto. His memory wouldn't stop replaying over and over the scene where his boyfriend had stormed out slamming the door-
Because of One For All.

Izuku had grown terrified at the idea that his Quirk might endanger his relationship with Shōto, just like it did All Might and Endeavor's. So he had dived deep into his studies, to focus on something else before his head exploded.

... but then the situation had completely twisted, to his advantage (for ONCE!!)

Not only had he been right to study at the last minute (at least he was prepared for the pop quiz), but Shōto had come back and apologized.
And then, as the fire and ice wielder drifted to sleep, enveloping him in the sweet warmth emanating from his left side, Izuku's heart had started racing as he had taken a huge decision.

As soon as the opportunity would present itself... he would introduce Shōto to his mom.

The green-haired teen hadn't gotten to tell him about it though, since he was already gone when he had woken up.
He hurried in handing in his answering sheet to Eraser Head, hoping to find time before the next period to tell his boyfrie-

- Hold it, Midoriya.

Izuku froze dead in his tracks with a surprised exclamation.
In the blink of an eye his teacher had wiggled out of his sleeping bag to grab his wrist.

- ... Yes, Aizawa-sensei?

The brunette narrowed his tired eyes and stared at his student for a solid minute, as the rest of 1-A got out to take a break.
Then he cleared his throat and joined his hands without breaking eye contact.

Izuku blinked in confusion, cold sweat already running down his neck as he began to panic.

"Oh my God, what have I done wrong...??!"

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