Buzzcut Blues: A prologue

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This story is about you and your life in someone else's Disastrous life.

But how are you gonna read a story about you if you don't know who you are?

It was just around the very end of the school year when you moved to Japan from America with your parents, who were the reason for the move due to "important business things." Your Grandma, who in some odd sense is father figure and as well as your sole caretaker. Your sister, Sam, who is only a year younger and thinks she's all that. Your brother, Ren, who is 3 years older and supposed to be in collage, but dropped out a month in, who is greatly passionate about music. And last but not least your fluffy white cloud of a cat, Charlie.

But due to this move being so late in the year you never ended up meeting anyone so you chilled with your siblings for the summer.

Living in Japan is quite different than living in America to say the least but converting money in your head wasn't too hard, just add a decimal and that's close to how much that item is in American money. It was weird for you to walk everywhere at first but it's not like anyone has a car and everything is close by.

Since you're parents are doing business stuff all the time your hella cool grandma let's you do what you want. Which means you can dress however you want. "How is this relevant?" You may ask. Well it's the day before your first day of school at PK academy and you're making sure you look all nice and spiffy for tomorrow.


Y/N looks into the mirror with deep thought on what to do with their hair for their big day tomorrow. After some thought they settled on being the androgynous king they are and give themselves a buzzcut. They grabbed a pair of scissors and hair clippers. They wet their hair before cutting their beautiful H/C locks as short as they could with the scissors, making sure it was even and short as possible. Once finished they grabbed the clippers and removed the remaining hair on their head leaving a nice minimal amount if hair on their head.

 Once finished they grabbed the clippers and removed the remaining hair on their head leaving a nice minimal amount if hair on their head

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~Like this sexy bastard.~

Once done they ran their hand over what was left if their hair and let out a sigh of satisfaction. "This is nice", they thought, "It's like petting a really short haired dog" They smiled as the thoughts of puppies came to their head.

They soon grabbed one of those hand held vacuumes to clean up their hair cut mess. As they did so another thought came to mind "What am I gonna wear tomorrow?" Now they knew very well that they had to wear the school uniform but they were deciding on how they'd present themselves. In they end they decided to wear the feminine uniform and perhaps they might seduce they lovely ladies and lads that they'll meets tomorrow.


Soon, the day was over and they went to bed, both excited and terrified of the day to come.

[ Updog ;) ]

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