Darry leaves with a huff and we go back to playing our game with our talking. Soon everyone comes home and we all play, it was fun until Two Bit asked, "heys guys, should we play truth or dare?" Everyone nodded their heads, "ok let's play, I go first because it was my idea." He says.

"Steve truth or dare?" He says, I could Two Bit wanted to ask me but for some reason didn't. "Dare." Steve says, Two Bit looks at me with a smile on his face and then I realize this might be the first time they had a girl here.

"I dare you to..." he pauses thinking then says, "go jump in mrs jousters pool." He says smiling, "but my clothes will get all wet." Steve complains, "do you chicken?" Two asks knowing he wouldn't, "no." Steve sighs then walks out of the house, a few of the boys followed I stayed inside.

Steve came back in soaking wet, "I hate you." He says looking at Two Bit, "Sprite truth or dare?" Then he runs upstairs quick to change. Steve comes down in sweatpants and a tee shirt that are most likely Sodas, "truth." I really don't want to have to kiss someone. "Ah little chicken." Two Bit says, "I'm no chicken, I just get the feeling you won't be nice to girls." He smirks realizing I know.

"What the worst thing you've ever done?" Soda asks, I need to think about this because they don't need to know the WORST thing. "I once stole a lollipop from a little kid." I say as the lies slips out my mouth, "it's a truth." Pony says, somehow he must be able to tell when I'm lying, they all nod their heads excitedly see what the truth is.

I sigh knowing I can't get out of this, I think they should know the truth I mean they probably have done worse. "I once was getting jumped and I didn't have my switch so I broke a beer bottle and stabbed it into a guy. Right around the heart area, I ran so fast I never looked back to see if he lived." I say, they all go quiet, "Darry truth or dare?" I ask, breaking the tension I asked Darry because I have a few questions for him.

"Dare." Darry says knowing I wanted him to chose truth, "I dare you to chose truth the next 3 times I ask you." He glared at me but goes back to reading his newspaper.

"Darry your turn." Two Bit says, "I let Dally take over my turn." He says, not looking up from the paper. "Sprite, truth or dare?" Dally says looking at me, I have to think if I say truth he could ask me something about Houston who he seems to know if I say dare I might have to kiss someone.

"Dare." I say making eye contact with him, "I dare you to, chose truth for the rest of the game." He says, I did not see that coming.

"Oh Sh*t what time is it." I yell standing up, I look at the clock on the wall and take off out the door. "I'll be back." I say on my way out.

I get it Bucks and see Houston, I smile seeing that she drinking which will make this easier. "Houston?" I say, she looks at me and smiles. Today is the longest we've been apart for 1 and a half years, I know it sounds crazy but we usually were always together.

The bartender slides me a drink and a grab it before Houston could, her arm outstretched trying to get it. "Houston let's go back to my place." I say she nods her head, she's not that drunk but she's not sober. "Yeah, but what about the cops?" She asks, "the cops won't look for us there." I say, she nods and stands up almost losing her balance, I don't think she knows how drunk she is.

We start walking back to my place, shes slowly getting better, "so what happened?" She asks, "the cops came in the morning a little after we left, and Darry said we ran away." I say telling the truth, lately I've been telling the truth a lot I usually lie.

We keep walking when a blue mustang pulls up beside us, "hey greasers, need a ride?" One of them asks, I look at Houston she smiles. She loves a good fight. "No thanks." I say nicely, I mean do the socs actually think that we would say yes and get in there car? I know they are dumb but to be that dumb, "well we will give you one any way." He says as the car door open, 5 boys come out, I can take one Houston usually takes 2 at a time but we are greatly outnumbered.

"You guys could use a haircut." One of the socs say as they circle us, Houston looks at me and it's like she read my mind. "Your outa your territory." Houston says, trying to sound tuff she already sounds tuff with her normal voice, "you think we care?" One soc say stepping closer to us, "maybe after the haircut we could have fun." The same one says, "can we stop talking and fight yet?" Houston asks rolling her eyes, then she punches the closest one to her, hard.

That started the fight 2 went for me 3 went for Houston, I knocked one out pretty quickly but one tripped me. I fell and got the wind knocked out of me, the next one jumps on me kicking me and punching. I don't even want to know how Houston's doing, the soc on top of me suddenly ran, I open my eyes and see red and blue flashing all over the brick walls next to me. "Run!" Houston yells grabbing me and pulling me down the street.

Soon we arrive in front of my house, she opens the gate and then blackness develops me.

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