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최 산
Choi San

You and San are have been enemies since kindergarten. You both are competitive. You've been competing each other since forever. You hated each other's guts. You are in uni...unfortunately you both went to the same university. There was this one time, you argued. You threw your bags at him and he just laughed at your temper.

You were with your friends, Lisa and Chan. "Maybe it's meant to be" Lisa said. You were complaining about him. "No! He makes me SICK! Choi San, makes me sick" You said.
"Uhm...Y/N?" Chan called and he pointed behind you. You turned to see it was San.

"Because Choi San is better than you" San said, trying to mock you. You scoffed. "You ain't better than me...It's actually the other way around" You said. He shook his head, he smirked then walked away. "He's totally into you" Said Chan as you all watched San walk away.

"What? No way! He pisses me off everyday! What the hell gave you this Idea?" You asked and Chan laughed. "Y/N...I'm a guy, I know...He's obviously trying to get your attention" Chan continued. "C'mon! We'll be late" You said trying to change the subject and started walking away.

During the lecture, you were sitting behind San. You couldn't help but to look at his hair, it was really nice. Wait- you're into his hair? What in the hell? "Ms. Y/L/N?" The teacher asked. You didn't hear the question. Crap.

"Uhm-" You didn't know what to say. Everyone stared at you. "Sir, I think Y/N's not feeling well" Said Lisa as she was trying to save you. "Okay...Mr. Choi? Do you have the answer?" The teacher asked San. "No sir...I uh...Sorry sir" San apologised.

"What's gone into him?" Lisa asked as you guys were exiting the room. "I don't kno-" You were cut off by Chan saying. "He cares...He didn't want to embarrass you" He said. You shook your head. You were walking in the hallway. Someone overtook you and your friends.

It was San, he was running towards the front door. Looked like he was in a rush. "What's with him?" Lisa asked. "Attention" Chan answered. Maybe it was an emergency. You got in your car, you wanted to go buy a few things. Lisa and Chan, headed back to the dorm.

You just got out of the shop. You put your stuff at the back seat, you checked the tyres and one of them's flat. You drove to the nearest station. "Hello?" You called out to the man in white tank.
He was facing the other way and looked like he was wearing earphones.

You got a bit closer. You tapped on his shoulder and he jumped a little as he turned. "Y/N?"
"San?" You both were shocked. "What are you doing here?" He asked."My tyre's flat..." You said. So he works here...

"Which one?" He asked, snapping you out of your trance. "Front left" You said. This was weird, you felt awkward. Watching him, in his tank top, his uniform tied around his waist. He looked like a hard worker.

"There, it's done" He said. "Thanks" You said. You stood there awkwardly for good 5 seconds. "Yeah, I work here" He said as if he just read your thoughts. "Oh...I didn't know you could read minds" You said and he scoffed. "Yeah..."

"Anyway, see you tomorrow" You said as you got in your car. "See ya" He said and you drove off. You got to the dorm, You, Lisa and Chan shared. "Hey girl...what's up?" Lisa asked. You shook your head and went straight to you bedroom.

"What has gone into me?" You asked yourself. Facing the ceiling and over thinking. "Ugh..." You opened your phone. You couldn't help but to stalk San. Most of his posts are selfies and some taken by his friends.

He shows off his abs mostly. He didn't post anything from his work. You think it's best if you don't say a word to anyone. The next day, San thought that everyone would be asking him about his work and all. He thought you would spread the jam.

No, you didn't. The day went well, normally. But there was one thing different. San. He didn't bother you. The weird thing's that, you weren't used to it. He would pass you by, without even looking at you. He's still the Same San, but not to you.

"Why don't you admit that you like him?" Asked Chan. You three were having lunch together. "What? No! I don't" You said. "Come on! Y/N...You are a mess! You miss his annoying ass!" Said Lisa. "No!" You tried to fight it.

"You can't win, Y/N! Why don't you just admit it!" Said Chan. "You guys are driving me crazy...I need to get back to class" You said and you stood up. Without looking at where you were going, you were giving death glares at your two friends.

You accidently bumped into someone. That someone, was San. You thought you were going to hit the floor but he caught you.  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" You said as you stood up. "No problem..." He said then walked away. You watched his back as he walked away. Somehow, you blushed.

Chan's birthday was coming up and he's throwing a party in the woods, somewhere. "Really? Wow! Definitely going to be there! Y/N, we are definitely going to be there!" Said Lisa, she was super excited. "Lisa, of course you two are going to be there...You're my best friends" Said Chan.

At the party...

"Lisa, I don't think it's a good idea" Lisa pulled you into the crowd for a dance. You didn't drink much, you were a bit uncomfortable. "I'll be back..." Lisa said and left you in the crowd. You didn't want seem awkward so you pushed your way through the crowd.

You couldn't see anything, it was too crowded. You suddenly, tripped when someone caught you. "Do I always have to save your ass?" He asked but still holding you. You looked up to see it was San. "Sorry" You said. "STOP apologizing!" He said.

Out of nowhere, he started to sway to the music. "I'm not good at dancing" You complained. "Shush" He pulled you even closer. After the music ended, you were going to find Lisa or Chan but San held your wrist. "Wanna go for a walk?" He asked. "Sure" You nodded.

This was the first moment, you actually realised that he has beautiful, dark chocolate eyes. You've been fighting all the time, who's the smartest, who gets more awards and all that crap. "So, you don't want anyone to know that you're working?" You asked out of the blue.

He slightly laughed. "Well, I'm kind of embarrassed..." He said. You guys sat on the grass. "Why?" You asked. "Well, because...I've studied hard...even my mom doesn't know I'm having a part time job...I just want to step down for a while" He explained.

"Sorry to hear" You said. "It's not your fault that my life's like this" It was fun talking to him. "Y'know...I uh- I'm sorry for being so competitive" He said but you laughed. "I'm sorry too...why did we even compete each other?" You asked.

"I don't know about you, but I know my reason..." He paused for a moment. You were all ears. "I had a crush on you when we were kids...I uh- didn't know how to handle it" He confessed. "Sorry...I didn't mean...I-I uh- just f-forget about what I said" He was stuttering a lot.

"I didn't know...I thought you hated me for no reason" You said. " It was the opposite" He said. "Do you still now?" You asked and choked on his drink. After he calmed down a bit, "uh...well yeah- I mean- yeah..." You laughed at his stuttering.

"To be honest...I recently just found you attractive. Now that you've said make me like you even more" You said. "So, y-you like me?" He asked, pointing at himself. "Yeah" You nodded. "So...this means, I can ask you out?" He asked in excitement. You nodded.

"Woohoo!" He jumped up and down. "Acting funny now are we?" You said, "sheesh..I'm just a little excited" He said and sat down in front of you. Now you're facing each other. "Since you moved here...I had a huge crush on you. You didn't seem to pay attention so I thought about the best way to get it" He said.

"And you got it" You said, causing both of you to laugh. "So..." He continued. "Now that I got your attention, would you like to hang out?" He asked and you nodded. "Yeah...sure" You said. "Y/N!" You heard Lisa called.

You and San walked back to the party, holding hands. "I was right!" Chan yelled. "Opposites attract!" Lisa said. "Ha ha...very funny guys" You said.

After you both confessed, you started dating and eventually, people found out about San's work, he didn't care though. You guys won each other's hearts...That's what matters.

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