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I wake up to the sun beaming on my face, C has his arms wrapped around me securely as he sleeps heavily.

I get out of bed and hiss inwardly as my feel touch the cold floors. I eventually get up and walk over to the bathroom.

I scrunch my nose at my reflection, "We look beat up." I say to myself in the mirror. I was wearing one of Carter's hoodies and a pair of his boxers. My hair was a mess because I didn't think to put it up last night and I have no products here.

'I'm literally about to cry, this is what I get.'

As I get lost in my morning thoughts I hear a phone chime from the bedroom. Thinking it was my phone I walk to check but it was Carter's.

I could check his phone or I could mind my business... anyways.

The screen lights up as I read the screen, I see a message from J. What does Jackson want a 8 in the morning on a Saturday?

I open his phone and type in his password and find the messages between them. I look over at Carter before I open their messages and he's knocked out still.

J: When are you going to ask her?

My mind shoots to proposal, then I remember we're still in high school.

'What are they talking about?'

I scroll up to see their past convo.

J: But you liked me before you even started dating her.

Carter: Okay but that was before and to be honest I was way more interested in her than you lmao.

J: Well who do you like more now?

Carter: Veronica... still.

J: then why do you want to hook up with me?

My heart dropped.

Carter: lmfao you were the one coming onto me the second you heard we were doing this whole open relationship thing.

J: okay but you didn't deny my offer.

Carter: I didn't accept it either.

J: but here we are, still talking about it.

Carter: yeah because I'm not finna sneak around with you. I actually value my relationship and I'm not fuck her friend without her consent and comfortability.

Carter: I don't care how crazy I sound take it or leave it cause honestly sex is nothing to me if we're not in a relationship.

J: Whatever, do what you need to do.

J: When are you going to ask her?

I re-read the most recent message.

What the actual fuck. I'm so torn because it was my idea, I agreed to certain rules and none of them were broken but I deserve to be a little upset right? And which J is this?

My mind lights up as a plan conspires. I take my phone and I walk to the balcony and Close the door behind me. I FaceTime my group chat with me Izzy, Jackie and Joslyn. They all answer eventually, Jackie half sleep in a room that's not hers.

"What could you possibly want at this time in the morning?" Jackie groans quietly.

"Yeah it's too early for this, like I was already up but still." Izzy says.

"Izzy shut up you're so fucking fake." The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

"Excuse me?" She says genuinely shocked.

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