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22nd October 2020

"Hi, i'm Kon. assuming your one of the girls?" a male, much taller then Isabella asked.

"yeah, i'm Isabella, Izzy" she smiled, taking his out hand, and shaking it. Slightly nervous for what was to come.

"so Izzy, wait i am okay to call you that, right?" he chuckled.

"yeah of course, I prefer it"

"good, I was just checking it wasn't some mates only thing. So you will be the 17th girl to go out, you won't need a mic for the first section. I'm assuming TP explained the concept?"

"Yeah, we all go out, Ethan decides yes or no. If it's a yes, we decide yes or no for him, and then if I chose to say yes after that we have a 'date' if you can call it that"

"yeah, basically that. perfectly summarised" Kon giggled "if you go through to the dating rounds, then we will mic you up"

"sounds good"

"if you just head into that room, through the door, the rest of the girls will be in there if you want to go and chat to them, we are due to start around 1:40. i'll call you a minute before your to go on."

"thank you so much" Isabella grinned

"food and drinks in there!" kon called, as Izzy stepped into the room.

she wasn't the last girl to arrive, there were around 14 other girls in the room, spread across different sofas and chairs. there was a table in the corner with an array of different snacks and drinks.

Izzy took a seat more by itself. She took out her phone. Airpods, from the journey there, still connected. A few of the girls were having conversations but she didn't try to get involved. She just sat and listened to her music.


ok quick note, obviously Izzy and Ethan can't here the boys, so i'm going to do it simultaneously just to add extra context :)

"right Izzy, your on next, when i say; follow through to that door, walk over to the white area, stand on the cross, introduce yourself" kon explained


"right, your going in now" he smiled "good luck!"

Isabella opened the door and walked towards the main part of the set. Ethan was stood in the middle, slightly to the right watching her walk over to him.

"she's a bit of Ethan" Tobi said to the other boys.

"she is" simon agreed

Isabella hadn't even reached the spot before ethan had made his decision.

"yes please" he grinned, eying up the shorter girl in-front.

"oh good" she blurted, she hadn't expected his answer to really affect her. but for some reason she was extremely excited over his decision.

"nice one" he chuckled

"I'm izzy by the way" she giggled, walking back out of the room

"nice one izzy" he called back

"did you hear that? she said good when he said yes" tobi giggled

"knew it would be a straight yes" harry said

"did you see the way he was looking" josh added

"eying her up ennit" jj chuckled

"next ones in" Vikk announced

"oo he did not like the look of that one" simon whispered to tobi.


the girls were now stood in a semi-circle around Ethan, his back facing them. Ethan had said yes to 11 of the 20 girls. Izzy was fidgeting with the rings on her fingers. Only subtlety. She didn't want to come off overly nervous on the video.

"right girls, i'll count to three, it's now up to you. if you would say yes to Ethan stay, if you don't want to go on a date with him, please step away and go out of the door you came in" Kon explained.

Izzy had already made her decision, Ethan had seemed keen to see her, and she thought he was attractive. it was just a date for youtube but there was no harm in talking to him for a couple of minutes.

"3...2....1...." kon called

"i heard some footsteps" Ethan spoke, nervously. 5 of the girls had walked away, leaving 6 of them to go on dates.

"oh hello everyone" Ethan cheered "Yes! Yes! Success! I thought everyone was going to walk away! Thanks everyone, going to go and check in with the boys"

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