2: Strangers in the night

Start from the beginning

"Have you been improving?" - "Yes"

"Did you have a fight with Mason Mount?" - "No, we get along well."

"Are you gonna go home for Christmas?" - "No, I'll stay in London."

"What about New Year?" - "London as well."

The footballer could already see his car when one question stopped him dead in the tracks.

"Did you know Marie is back together with Leo Arcade?" A few seconds had passed in which Kai didn't move. The screams of the paparazzi blurred together and Havertz felt as if he was gonna pass out from the lack of oxygen.

Then, as if moving in slow motion, Kai turned to the woman who asked the question. It was a tall woman with mean eyes, blood red lips, blond hair and a poison green dress, that looked horrible. She was wearing a smug smile, realising that she had struck a nerve.

"How do you know that?" He asked her coolly, surprised with how calm his voice sounds.

"She postet a picture on her Instagram. Didn't you see?" Kai ignored the latter.

"May I have a look at it?" He asked politely, knowing the woman was just waiting for him to snap, a triumph he would not let her have.

She handed him a tablet. And sure enough it was Marie smiling in the camera. In the picture she was wearing a bikini Kai had gifted to her long ago, Leo tightly hugging her, his hands on her butt.

His eyes trailed down her body. A body he was so familiar with but he now did not recognize. It looked like she had multiple surgeries over the last months.

Kai frowned, his eyes jumping to her face. He wanted to avoid it, knowing that her eyes would tear down his walls.

But there were no pools of chocolate. She was wearing blue contacts that gave her an almost snake-like look.

His eyes shiftet to her nose, slimmer that when he had last seen her.

Her cheeks, less soft but hollow and cheekbones sharp.

And lastly her lips. Lips he knew smiling, talking, laughing and kissing. They had lost their beautiful cupid's bow and were now thick and plump.

She was incredibly beautiful but she was not the Marie he had known.

"She looks happy." He pressed out, handed the tablet back to the reporter with a smile and quickly took the last step to his car, driving far away from the crowd.

His vision blurred and he noticed that tears were streaming down his face. He angrily wiped them away, not wanting to cry over Marie again.

He pulled over to the side and stopped the car. Angrily, his fist met the steering wheel.

It took him a lot of deep breaths and ten whole minutes to calm his nerves. But in the end Kai was faced with a simple fact that had no shimmer of doubt: The Marie he knew and loved was gone and so apparently were his feeling because was utterly emotionless and numb.

In an attempt to kill his sorrows he stepped into a bar, ready to let loose one night, as coach had send them off into Christmas beak today.


Aria jolted awake when someone ringed her doorbell. Calming her racing heart she checked the clock. It was half past 1 in the morning.

Who visits at such a godforsaken hour?

When Aria Webster opened the door she was met with two very bloodshot eyes, the smell of straight vodka and tall man.

"Who are you?" He stammered surprised. Arias eyebrows slid upwards.

"Who are you?"

"I'm looking for my friend."

"Well I hate to break it to you but this is my apartment and I'm pretty sure I live alone." The man that seemed confusingly familiar to her, even though she couldn't quite put her finger on it, frowned as if the words would take five times as long to get to his brain.

But before he could answer anything he lost his balance, fell forward, caught poor Aria by surprise and the next thing both of them realized was that a very heavy man was laying on top of a very petite Aria who grunted under his weight.

"Would you mind-" She groaned due to the lack of air.

She wiggled herself out from under him and pulled him up, mentally thanking her trainer for the weightlifts he made her do.

The man let a river of apologies loose and looked like he was about to cry.

Aria felt a sense of pity creeping up but before she could do anything about it, her mouth acted quicker.

"You should crash here. I've got no idea who you are and where you live but you are in no condition to go home." The girl mentally slapped herself for offering some random dude to crash at her place.

"I... I... can't" It looked like the words took way to much effort just confirming her pity.

"Well sadly you will." Aria mumbled while carefully pulling him over to her sofa.

As he sat down he let out an relieved groan and stretched himself. His eyes were half closed so Aria took this as a first opportunity to study him without seeming weird.

Not that he'd remember it the next day anyway.

He looked young, probably around the same age as herself, with thick dark curls and a lean built.

"Like what you see?" Aria's eyes widened before she cleared her throat and disappeared into the kitchen.

When she came back with a bowl the man had already fallen asleep. He looked more peaceful when he was asleep. Less haunted.

Omg Aria you're reading too much. She thought with an eyeroll.

She pulled out a spare blanket and draped it over is muscular body not wanting him to catch a cold in the cool December air.

That was when her gaze caught a glimpse of the Trikot he was wearing and very suddenly she remembered where she knew him from.

Kai Havertz. Of course.

Cassie loved the man more than her husband.

She placed the bowl next to his head on the floor and couldn't resist to brush over his hair in a soothing motion before she realized what she was doing and composed herself.

"If you're puking on my sofa you're gonna buy me a new one." She mumbled, pointing at Kai Havertz and went to bed herself.

But she did lock the door behind herself.

Message from  Ari🏹 to Cassis juice 🧃

Ari 🏹
What would you say if I told you Kai Havertz was sleeping on my sofa?
Delivered, 1:58 am

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