
She eventually started running and this lasted for about half an hour before she caught sight of an ice cream truck nearby. She wanted one so I gave her some money to treat her.

"Thanks," she grinned excitedly and went ahead to buy.

She disappears so quickly sometimes I get scared. Must come from being a former trackstar, her moving quick. Her smile is always worth seeing, so I try to do things that make her happy, of course within reason and, well, nothing bad. In the years I've known her, Siccha was never hard to please, and that makes me want to do even more for her. Little things like spending the mornings with her seem to be more rewarding than I thought it would be.

"Thanks, Saul," Siccha gushed, as she wiped the stickiness off her hands with wet wipes.

I chuckled lightly and grabbed our things. "Come on, Siccha."

We stopped by home for Siccha to munch on a granola bar, take a bath, and prepare to go to her office. Her building is closer so I drop her off every morning.

"Thank youuuu," she said before leaving and quickly getting in the building. I watched her go in before driving to my office. My office is on the top floor so that people don't have to wait an extra floor before dropping off where they have to be. It's also to give me extra privacy.

I thought about Jessicha as I walked into my office. She was never the same ever since we got married. Her eyes weren't as expressive, and she seemed...not relaxed, but resigned. She wouldn't complain, of course, because it's not like she didn't love me, but it's a different thing to be married when we wanted to, and it's another thing to get married because our elders set it up to be so.

"Sir," my personal assistant, Song Kwan Min, greeted me outside my door. He, Jane, my other assistant, and my family were the only ones allowed to appear without scheduling an appointment. He handed me a clipboard with a bunch of papers and left me alone.

I browsed through the papers and decided that I was going to have to work overtime. I texted Jessicha and got to work. Right now, my problem is getting the hotel's amenities to be top-tier. I want to have them upgraded, but I want to upgrade a lot rather than focus on one part. It's twenty-fifth anniversary is coming up, so I thought it would be a great time to announce renovations to begin, like a gift. I didn't have a problem with the money, so right now, my problem is just looking for designs or stores and checking which ones will be worth buying.

My office was quiet and comfortable, so I didn't want to make changes to it anymore, so the most important thing right now is asking my employees what devices or changes they may need for their comfort and convenience.

I don't have that much to do today on the business side, but I do have a late meeting later on, so for now, I do things myself instead to keep myself occupied.

I created a form and emailed each department head and my PAs to have it filled out within the week. I then listed the shops I knew and went out to scout for more shops. We had a number of good ones close by, but the best ones were the ones close to the highways, where they're situated there in this huge lot like warehouses.

I stopped by a diner for some lunch and just drove back to the office. Took me about two hours. I didn't even realize that I went that far.

The meeting later on was with the board of directors on the project with a similarly renowned entertainment industry. They wanted our help to host and house their artists for an event.

It was like a showcase where the artists have specific days assigned to show their talents and entertain crowds. The events include fashion modeling, theater acting, a concert, a play for kids, and a variety show. Afterwards they will host a gala and a private afterparty. These will require a lot of work and manpower for sure, as well as heightened security. I think that's the hardest part. The rooms had to be quickly reserved on those days as well.

I quickly scheduled emails to be sent to the respective departments for meetings and details for planning. I trust they'll do well, but I wanted to make sure they have guidance, especially since everything has to be quite in synch.

I think Jessicha would be thrilled.

Our meeting started at four in the afternoon and ended by eight. Too late, so I truly hope Jessicha's not bored. SHe does get bored quite easily, and it's hard for her to just invite her friends because they're all scattered already, so they can't just hang out anytime they want.

I get home by eight thirty and go straight to the kitchen. "Jessicha?" I called. She was asleep by the dining table, her head resting in the comfort of her crossed arms.

Ahh... never mind. She must be tired.

I ate quietly beside her and carry her up to our room after I finish eating, change, and then I do my dishes and drink up. When I had finished, I almost jumped at the figure leaning against the counter. Her eyes were droopy and squinting, but she was sitting up straight, like she was in class. "Why are you home so late?"

I tilted my head a bit. "I texted you, though."

Her eyebrows went weird. I don't get how she does that. It's like her eyebrows are more expressive than her eyes. "You didn't."

"I did," I insisted and showed her my phone quickly

She gave me a deadpan face, and crossed her arms.

"What?" I turned my phone screen towards myself, and saw that...

I didn't send my message.

Rewind [Paused]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora