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Life is complicated. When there is an option, there is a lack of choice. When there is a chance, and there is an unlikelihood. When there is hardship, and there is ease.

Baekhyun has finally decided what he will become in the future. He decided to become an artist. A painter. A person who fonds of art.

Baekhyun thought that life will go easy on him by giving all access to his needs and wants. But he is completely wrong about that.

Today is his graduation day. The day that he's been waiting for. The day where he can show off to people that he's talented and smart. The day where he can finally look into his parents' eyes and give them a wide smile, telling them that he's able to graduate summa cum laude.

One phone call dismisses it all. You have to remember that life can be cruel too.

"Hello?" He receives the phone without even looking at his screen. He hopes that his mom would be the one calling.

"...Byun Baekhyun-shi?"

Being an expressive person himself, Baekhyun couldn't help but to frown. "Yes," he finally decides to look at his screen. "I think this phone belongs to my mom. Who are you?"

"Are you Byun Seonmi's son?" The woman ignores his question and asks him a question as an exchange.

The frown on Baekhyun's forehead goes deeper. "Yes, right." He's waiting for the caller to continue.

"I'm Park Naerim, a police officer in Seojeong-Ri district."

Baekhyun holds his breath, processing the introduction that the other gave him. He's confused why in the world a police officer would call him in this hour and using his mom's number.

"I wanted to tell you that your parents got into a car accident and are being brought by an ambulance to get treatment. I apologize for what happened and it's convenient if you would come to the hospital as a family representative."

His phone slips off his hand. His breath turns uncontrollable and his hands are trembling. One of his friends notices the change of a cheerful Byun Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun? What's going on?" The small guy asks, sounding very worried.

Realizing that the police officer still waiting for him, he picks up the phone with his trembling hand. "H-Hello? Which hospital?"

Letting out the word 'hospital' makes his friend realizes one thing; something has happened.

"Right. Okay. I'll be there in 10 minutes." Baekhyun quickly looks around to find his lecturer to inform him about this before the graduation ceremony starts. He won't be able to attend the ceremony and he needs to inform this to at least one of his lecturers.

The small guy follows him behind, making sure that his friend doesn't do something reckless.
The small guy doesn't hear what Baekhyun says to Mr. Choi, one of his lecturers that is close to him.

After telling him what happened, Mr. Choi's eyes are almost out of their sockets. He quickly taps the other's shoulder and Baekhyun hurriedly making his way towards the parking lot where he parked his car.

"Baekhyun, tell me what's wrong."

Baekhyun looks like he's about to cry and angry at the same time. The small guy is taken aback by that view. "My parents got into an accident when they were driving to see their only child's graduation day." He scoffs, "Isn't that pathetic?"

"Do you want me to drive you there?" He ignores his rhetorical question, hoping that the other would say yes.

"It's fine, Kyungsoo. It's about to start." He's referring to the graduation ceremony. "I know what you're thinking. I won't be reckless."

Kyungsoo sighs, both because of desperation and a sense of relief. Well, at least he can tell that his friend is still in his sane state. "You promise?"

"I promise."


The corridor of Muju Public Hospital seems darker than it should be. Baekhyun sits on one of the chairs, tears running down his cheeks. He should have known that they won't make it by the tone of the police officer that called him earlier.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Byun." The police officer gives a small rub on his shoulder. Her tone is soothing and she seems sincere.

Baekhyun wipes his tears but doesn't work. The tears keep flowing down his cheeks again and again.

"I heard that today's your graduation day?" She sits beside Baekhyun, hoping that she can calm him even for just a bit.

Baekhyun nods weakly.

"I.." she stops before looking at him. "Congratulations. I hope you can find something or someone that you can hold into in the future."

Baekhyun sobs, he finally looks up and he shows her the most painful smile she's ever seen. "I have no one anymore, officer."

"Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo, still with his graduation suit runs to Baekhyun. He's panting and his hair looks messy.

"Kyungsoo? Why are you here?"

Kyungsoo shows him a composed smile, still panting. "I'm so sorry, Baekhyun." He surely has some kind of habit to not reply people's questions.

Baekhyun looks down. Kyungsoo abruptly gives him a tight hug. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He strokes Baekhyun's hair gently. He knows if he does it with force, the guy will break and fall.

Baekhyun cries like there's no tomorrow. Kyungsoo follows him along because it feels really painful to watch his one and only best friend has to deal with this tragedy.


A/N: SORRY I just have to make it like thisT^T

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