Chaoter 3: Sideways

Start from the beginning

Aurora: Stacey, oh my god its beautiful
Stacey: Thanks I made it for you. It's made with resin that's how I got through the metal detectors... but be careful I did a pretty good job at sharpening this bitch.

Aurora: oh my god thank you so much Stace... I wanna know how sharp it is.

Aurora took her finger and ran it along the edges of the blade not applying any pressure and she began to bleed. "Haha yea, that shit is sharp.. Thank you again Stace.
Stacey smiled and gave Aurora a hug. " your so welcome girl... you need it."

A few hours had passed by and they remained pretty uneventful. 8:30pm rolled around and the tech guy told the girls he would be back in an hour and needed to get a part from the warehouse.
Stacey: Hey Aurora.... You should go talk to your alien friend ima go downstairs really quick to the vending machines.

Stacey gave Aurora a wink and headed for the elevator. Aurora sat there for a moment before she rummaged through her purse "did I remember those dark chocolate bars?.... Oh yea I did, they are." Aurora got up with 3 chocolate bars and walked over to the glass room Venom was kept in, she opened the main door, entered then shut it behind her. Aurora then opened the small nook
Aurora: Venom? I brought you something.......

Aurora set the chocolate down on the small ledge and she watched as the large hand slowly grabbed it.

Venom: Are you ok, my morsel......
Aurora got a confused look on her face for a moment unsure what to think of her new nick name and unsure what Venom was asking.
Aurora: umm yea I think so. Why?
Venom: I can smell your blood cut yourself.......
Aurora: Oh yea I was just testing to see how sharp that was, it's nothing really it will heal no problem.
Venom: There's something else wrong.... Why are you sad?
Aurora: Well I feel weird wearing this.
Venom: Take your jacket off.
Aurora: Excuse me?
Venom: Take you jacket off
Aurora took her jacket off confused as to what it had to do with the conversation.
Venom: There...... you were hiding some of your curves my morsel
Aurora: No, my curves are the problem. I feel fat in this dress. I shouldn't be wearing this when I have...extra... meat on me.
Venom: Are all humans this dumb? Those curves to your body mean you are well fed and strong...You are not fat, you are well built.. Maybe these human men can't handle such a perfect female.....These Human men are not worthy to be your mate.
Aurora felt even more confused now as she was trying to process what she was hearing she scratched her head... then she heard a familiar voice yell
Lenny: AURORA!!! AURORA!!!

Aurora went pale as she felt her heart drop from her chest.. She quickly got up forgetting to shut the doors as she ran out......She saw Lenny with Stacey holding her by the hair and a knife to her throat as he was filled with rage.
Lenny: do you think this is a game you stupid bitch!! What did I tell you about wearing that dress??
Aurora: Lenny let Stacey go
Lenny: fuck you slut.... She's the reason why your whoring around... you know what fuck this.

Lenny threw Stacey aside and charged Aurora with the knife. Aurora quickly dodged and caught his leg sending him to the floor.. He got up quickly, turning around getting ready to charge her again. Aurora quickly reached for her new dagger holding it out in front of her in a reverse grip position.

Lenny: Oh ok you're gonna fight me now huh? Time to teach you your place you bitch.

Lenny charged Aurora again as he lunged, Aurora managed to fumble his arm and send him flying against the desk where she took her dagger and with a loud grunt drove it into his shoulder. But she was met with Lenny's dagger as he flung his knife backwards and into her stomach. Aurora let out a gasp as she clutched her side bleeding profusely now... everything went dark in the building Lenny flung his head backward head butting Aurora sending her to the floor. She gasped for air as she tried her best to crawl towards Venom's cage. Aurora heard an ear piercing roar and glass shatter, her vision started to fade as she lost blood.


Silence fell throughout the lab as Lenny's screams were heard no more. Aurora, barely clinging to her consciousness, felt a large hand pick her up off the ground and pull her to its muscular chest. She heard words uttered to her

Venom: You are safe now my morsel..... You are mine...... my mate.....

Aurora fell unconscious and went limp in venoms arms. Her scent was not hard for him to follow and took him no time at all to find her apartment. Venom wrapped his large hand around Aurora's head as he pulled her tight to him he wrapped her in his tendrils and began removing her clothes and healing her at the same time.
Venom slowly started to feel Aurora's heart beat strengthen as he was wrapped around her... As soon as her wounds healed and her heart rate returned to normal Venom carried Aurora to her bedroom where gently set her naked body on the bed. He gazed upon her curves for a moment, as she slept he ran the back of his index finger along her face and down her side running it all the way down to her curves. Venom was careful to not move along any of her private areas as he gently wrapped the blanket around Aurora.

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