- Summer of 1987 -

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“Elliot, hon,” my mother called over Freddy’s solo act on stage. “Maybe you could help Mrs. Amy out and get some extra napkins? The kids are getting icing all over their faces.”

“Sure, mom,” I replied, grateful to be doing something more than just standing around. Passing by Chica, who was helping Mrs. Amy serve cake to the seated children, I made my way to the cake table to check for napkins, but it was fresh out. My brother ran up to Mrs. Amy to beg her for a slice with extra frosting. If he had scraped the blue remnants off his face, he probably wouldn’t need to ask for any more.

I scooted past a throng of kids with eye patches and plastic hook hands who were all mauling Foxy the Pirate Fox. Bonnie walked in front of me, probably going to sit next to the birthday boy at the head of the table.

“Hey, where are the extra napkins?” I asked the employee who was running the party.

“Honestly, I have no idea,” he said with a shrug. He rubbed an eye and yawned. I noticed he looked really tired, with black circles under his eyes and a worried expression on his face. “This is my first time running the day shift. They switched me since they fired another employee.” Well I guess that explained why he seemed exhausted, although it was a bit more information than I was hoping for.

“Oh, I’m looking for a job now,” I said. “Maybe I could apply here?”

“No, you don’t want to do that,” he instantly replied. That was pretty flat-out and caught me by surprise. “Besides, you look too young to hold a job.”

“I’m seventeen. Figured it was time I should start making my own spending money.” I didn’t quite understand why the man was so against me finding a job. Everyone loved Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, especially my brother! He would just about die if I got a job at his favorite spot. “Why shouldn’t I apply here? Bad pay?”

“For what I do, minimum wage isn’t enough.” He gave me a tired smile. “Look somewhere else, kid.”

“Elliot,” yelled my mother. “The napkins, please!” She was attempting to wipe my brother’s face with his over-used napkin. All she managed to do was smear the icing around. John looked like he had a blue beard.

“I’m on it!” I answered.

“For the napkins,” said the employee, “my guess would be the storage closet down the hall. I can look for them if you’d like.”

“Nah, thanks man. You gotta keep an eye on things out here, right? I mean, you’re the only worker in the main room besides Freddy and his pals. I’ll just go into the bathroom and get some paper towels.” I headed off in the direction of the restrooms.

Pulling open the men’s room door, I headed towards the sinks. I yanked a large handful of paper towels from the dispenser, not caring how scrunched up they became. I pulled the door back open. An uproar had erupted in the main room, and it definitely didn’t sound like they were starting to open presents. It didn’t sound like yells of excitement. It sounded more like screams of terror.

Towels in hand, I hurried back to the party room to find everyone running around in complete chaos. Parents were pulling their kids away from the table. I saw some children trying to hide underneath it. One mother actually picked up her daughter like a sack of potatoes and carried her out the door.

“Elliot!” My mother screamed. I had never heard her more terrified in my life. I stopped and looked around for her. She was holding open the front door for other parents and kids to evacuate the building. “Get out of there!” I saw John waiting obediently by the car, obviously too in shock to think to do anything else. My mother would have probably been halfway down the street by now if she wasn’t waiting for me. She looked on from the door, watching helplessly through the throng of petrified individuals to keep her eyes on me.

What the hell was going on? Did something catch fire? What else would make all the guests at a birthday party leave instantaneously?

That’s when I looked over to where Freddy Fazbear and his friends performed. At the foot of the stage, close to the cake table, lay the body of the employee I was talking to just moments ago.

His unmoving body was resting in a puddle of blood, uniform shirt completely soaked. The final detail of the man was so gruesome, I could hardly believe it.

His forehead was gone. 

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